Weather and Sports说课教案(精彩3篇)

时间:2013-02-05 04:33:13
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Weather and Sports说课教案 篇一





1. 介绍天气对体育运动的影响:天气对体育运动有着直接的影响,比如在炎热的夏天,进行户外运动可能会出现中暑等安全问题;而在寒冷的冬天,户外运动可能会导致感冒等健康问题。因此,了解天气情况对选择适合的体育运动至关重要。

2. 分析不同天气条件下的体育运动选择:根据不同的天气条件,介绍适合的体育运动,比如在晴天可以进行户外长跑、篮球等运动,而在雨天则可以选择室内健身房进行运动。

3. 展示天气预报及相关体育运动信息:通过展示天气预报和相关体育运动信息,帮助学生了解如何根据天气情况做出合理的运动选择,避免出现安全问题。


1. 利用多媒体设备展示天气预报和相关体育运动信息,让学生直观了解天气情况和体育运动选择。

2. 配合图片、视频等素材,帮助学生更好地理解不同天气条件下的体育运动选择。

3. 结合实际案例进行讨论和分析,让学生在实践中掌握如何根据天气情况选择适合的体育运动。



Weather and Sports说课教案 篇二





1. 天气与地理学的结合:通过天气预报和地理知识的结合,帮助学生了解不同地区的气候特点和天气变化规律,进而选择适合的体育运动。

2. 天气与生物学的结合:通过天气对人体的影响和体育运动的关系,帮助学生了解生物学知识,并培养他们的健康意识。

3. 天气与数学的结合:通过天气数据的收集和分析,帮助学生掌握数学技能,并在实践中运用数学知识进行体育运动选择。


1. 利用多媒体设备展示天气数据和相关知识,让学生直观了解天气情况和体育运动选择。

2. 配合实地考察和实验,帮助学生在实践中掌握相关知识和技能。

3. 结合小组合作和讨论,让学生在合作中学习,培养他们的团队精神和合作能力。



Weather and Sports说课教案 篇三

Weather and Sports说课教案(高二)

Ⅰ Analysis of the teaching material

1、Position and functions of the teaching material

This unit is focused o

n “Weather and Sports”. It represents various sports activities both at home and aboard, which arouses the students’ interest in English learning and improve their listening, reading, speaking and writing. It’s the necessary part of the whole Book Ⅲ.


2、 Teaching aims

Knowledge aims:To grasp the names of some sports activities; To learn how to use the Adverbial Clause.

Ability aims:To improve the students’ comprehension on listening, speaking and reading.

Spirit aims:To arouse the students’ interest in sports, broaden their vision and cultivate their tendency and spirit of teamwork.


3、Teaching important and difficult points

Important points: (1) To grasp some words concerned on sports, such as skiing, surfing, sailing, baseball, mountain-climbing and so on.

(2) To master the following useful sentence patterns and help the students to use them freely to improve their own English.

e.g. All over the world men, women, boys and girls enjoy sports.

Having fun with their friends makes them happy.

They help to keep people healthy and feeling good.

Sports change with the season.

People often do not play the same games in winter as in summer.

…it’s time to change to…

Difficult points: (1) Through the learning of Adverbial Clause and a thorough understanding of the text, the students try to retell the text.

e.g. Many people ski in Australia where there are big mountains and cold winters.

When it gets cold it’s time to change to other sports.

(2) How to help the students grasp the knowledge and develop their teamwork spirit at the same time.




4、Analysis of the students’ present situations

Now, many students from vocational schools aren’t interested in English. However, as teenagers between 16 and 17, they are curious about the outside world, especially boys, who are quite fond of sports. So we can stimulate the interest in English by choosing their favorite topic.

Ⅱ Teaching and learning methods

1、Teaching methods

During the whole teaching process, the teacher acts as the leader and organizer, centering on the main topic. The teacher asks and encourages the students to open their mouth, and pays attention to the students’ response to get ideal effects. (情景教学法、启发式教学法、反馈式教学法、各种活动配合教学法)

2、Learning methods

The students get the knowledge by learning—imitation—practice through listening and speaking, discussion and team work. (听说法、讨论法、协作式学习法)

3、Teaching means

To enlarge the capacity and progress the teaching effect, I’ll use the multimedia. I hope to display a scientific, novel and harmonious lesson.

Ⅲ Teaching procedure

The main teaching train of thought: Set up question scene — Reveal teaching objective — Lead studying teaching objective — Language practice — Correct and feedback

Step One Warming up(3 minutes): For arouse the students’ interest in learning, show students varieties of sports pictures, including those in the passage. Let students guess what they are, give them a first impression. Then, with these pictures, I’ll ask the students some questions, just like:

Do you like sport?

What’s your favorite sport?

Do you have any favorite sport star?

The goal of this step is to moving the students’ zeal, develop their ability of learning English, and let them speak more.

Step Tow Lead-in (10 minutes): Show the students some pictures about weather. Make them say the names of these pictures. Then let the students describe the relationship between different weather and different sports which they know. With the help of some pictures, let the students guess what weather connected with what sports, after that, give them a table about weather and sports. Ask the students use their guess, then, fill in the blanks.

The work is so easy that students can do them happily, also strengthen the students’ confidence. The goal of this step is to get the students to be familiar with sports and weather unconsciously and understand the main weather and the main sports of the text, give them brief introductions.

Step Three Learning the text (15 minutes): In this step, let the students listen to the tape carefully and read the text. Ask them to remember the new words concerned on sports in this passage (such as skiing, surfing, sailing, baseball, mountain-climbing and so on), underline the sentence or phrase which is unknown. Then, explain the following useful phrases and sentence patterns to help the students to use them freely to improve their own English level.

e.g. All over the world men, women, boys and girls enjoy sports.

Having fun with their friends makes them happy.

They help to keep people healthy and feeling good.

Sports change with the season.

People often do not play the same games in winter as in summer.

…it’s time to change to…

Understand Adverbial Clause (Many people ski in Australia where there are big mountains and cold winters. / When it gets cold it’s time to change to other sports.) Ask the students to grasp what Adverbial Clause is and make similar sentences.

The goal of this step is to broaden the students’ knowledge, through to learn these sentences and grammar, they can understand this passage clearer and use English freer.

Step Four Practice (15 minutes): Write some keywords relevant to text content on the blackboard. Then, pide the students into four groups, each group sends a representative to retell this text with the help of the key words. The students can retell this passage by himself (herself) or have a multi-people group. The multi-people group can use the form of conversation, talk about the weather, the sports and the places which are appeared in the passage. Meanwhile, the student who doesn’t act in the performance can select a classmate who acts better. Like this, all the students participate among it, also can let the student to discover his (her) shortcomings and the other students' merits.

The goal of this step is to deepen the students’ understanding of knowledge, they are also familiar with the use. So the students can apply what they have learned. In addition, the creation of a certain condition to perform can stimulate the students’ English oral technique, and help the students use grammars correctly. Their creative ability is cultivated gradually. The teacher can grasp the students’ situation of learning by this step.

Step Five Homework (3 minutes):

a. Retell the passage in your own words and write it down in your Exercise-book.

b. Finish Ex. Ⅲ (P.7)

The goal of this step is to consolidate the students’ knowledge what they have learned in this classand to give the students a chance to practice their English writing ability.

The Class Overall Evaluation and Thinking

The five steps design above emphasizes that the lesson should be based on students’ interest in learning, life experience and level knowledge. It advocates that kinds of teaching methods of experience, practice, participation, cooperation and exchange which are combined. By this means, students' uses of comprehensive language are developed and they can form positive emotional attitude, active thinking and learning by themselves. Especially the new instruct process, including “the new instruct, practice, then the new instruct, to practice again” can make students focus on their thinking and expressing effective. Through the efforts of teacher and students, this class certainly is able to achieve my goals and break through the difficulties in teaching.

Weather and Sports说课教案(精彩3篇)

