Oxford 4A Module 3 Unit 2 Food 教案

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Oxford 4A Module 3 Unit 2 Food 教案

Oxford 4A Module 3 Unit 2 Food Period 1 本课是牛津英语4A第三模块第二单元的第一课,本课食品类的单词以及对话How much is it?均为新授。学生们虽然已经学习了有关买东西的对话,但本课有不可数名词短语,为本课难点。 (一) 教学目标 1.知识目标 (1) 听懂、会说:large, packet, bottle, crisps, water及短语a bottle of…,a packet of … (2) 听懂、会说:How much is it? …yuan, please. 2.能力目标 (1) 能用本课内容购买所需食品。 (2) 能用本课内容询问购买的物品的价格。 3 情感目标 (1) 在游戏、说唱等活动中培养学生学习英语的兴趣。 (2) 在对话教学和竞赛活动培养学生团结合作的精神。 (二) 教学重难点 1. 听懂会说本课单词和对话,做到语音语调正确规范 2. 能将本课单词和对话运用到真实的`情景之中。 (三)教学准备:课件 二. 设计理念: 运用主题式教学的模式,围绕主题Supermarket展开教学,最终回到Supermarket中去,结合学生生活实际,给学生一项实际的任务,让学生学会在实际生活中运用所学词汇表达自己想要的食品、数量及价格。把真实的情景带入课堂,把语言知识转化为语言技能。 Procedures: I. Pre-Task Preparation Materials Contents Methods Purposes 出示儿歌内容 电脑出示超市场景 1. Warming up. 2. Greetings. 3. T---Pp Ask and answer.. 1. Sing the song “Apple” and say the rhymes. 2. Greeting! 1) T: Do you like apples/ potatoes/milk? What food do you like? 2) T: We are going to have a picnic. What food do we need? Let’s go to Yum Yum Supermarket. What do you see in this supermarket? P: I see …... (sweet, cake, ice-cream, …) 儿歌和歌曲都与food有关,帮助学生再现旧知识。 师生间简单的问答,让学生记忆更多的食品类单词。 II. While-task procedure 电脑出示大小鲜明的食品图片。 电脑展示所猜图片。 电脑出示袋装食品 滚动播出瓶装食品 1.Learn: large 2. Learn: a packet of … 3. Learn: a bottle of … 1)图片展示:ice-cream, cake, sandwich T: Look! This is an ice-cream. It’s small. It’s a small ice-cream. How about the other one? T: Oh, it’s large. It’s a large ice-cream. 2) Learn: large, a large ice-cream. 3) Guessing Game: Is it large or small? S1: It’s a large cake. S2: It’s a small cake. 1) T: Oh! So much food. What have I got now? Guess, please! P: (Guess!) You have got …… T: Look! I have got some sweets now! Do you like sweets? P: … T: Here are four sweets. Now I’m putting the sweets in this packet. Oh, it’s a packet of sweets. 2) Learn: packet, a packet of sweets 3) Make phrases ”a packet of ___” according to the pictures. T: There are many packets of food on the plate. What food do you want? P: I want a packet of ______. ( biscuits, crisps, noodles, bread, sugar, sweets …) 4)Practice: a large./small packet of… 1) T: Do you want a bottle of water? The water is good for your health! 2) Learn to read: bottle, a bottle of… a bottle of water/juice/milk 3) Quick memory: a bottle of… A. T: There are many bottles of food. Please watch and remember them, then tell us! B. Students watch and remember.] C. Students try to say out: I remember “A bottle of ____!’ D. Students clap and say them together “a bottle of _____”. 让学生猜猜食品的大小,巩固旧知。 从机械操练过渡到表达自己的意愿。并引出新词crisps. 快速记忆瓶装类饮料,操练词组。 多媒体出示儿歌 1. Practice: a packet of…;a bottle of… 1) Students try to read the rhyme: Sweets in the

packet, A packet of sweets. Milk in the bottle, A bottle of milk. Sweets and Milk, For you and me! A. Boys and girls clap and read. B. Someone and the class clap and read. 2) Students try to make a new rhyme in pairs. 3) Invite some students to act in class. 运用儿歌让学生巩固量词的表达,然后让学生自己创编儿歌。 电脑图片出示超市图片 1. Get ready for Kitty’s Birthday Presents T: Kitty’s birthday is coming soon. Let’s buy some presents for her. Let’s go to the Yum Yum Supermarket. 1) Listen to the dialogue. A: A small packet of sweets, please. B: Here you are. A: How much is it? B: Six yuan, please. 2) Learn to say: How much is it?...yuan, please. 3)Practice in pairs. 4) Act the dialogue. 在交际的环境中学习英语,巩固英语,体现英语学为交际的指导思想。 III. Post-task activities 多媒体出示 Shopping List 1.Make a shopping list for an Autumn Outing. 1)Lead in: What do you want for a picnic? Please talk in groups. Then write a shopping list for a picnic. If the group is the best, this packet of sweets will be for you! 2) Write a shopping list in groups of 8. 3) Teacher shows her shopping list for the class. 4) Show your shopping list. 让学生根据自己的实际,小组讨论设计一份较为合理的秋游购物单。 Homework. 1. Listen to the tape ( P27 ) and try to recite. 2. Write ”Prepare for an Autumn Outing!” 3. Copy the new words and sentences. Blackboard Activity: Unit 2 Food A: A small packet of sweets, please. B: Here you are. A: How much is it? B: Six yuan, please.
Oxford 4A Module 3 Unit 2 Food  教案

