
时间:2014-03-04 03:22:32
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英语教学语言论 篇一

Incorporating Communicative Language Teaching in English Education

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) has been widely recognized as an effective approach in language education. It emphasizes the importance of communication and interaction in language learning, rather than focusing solely on grammar rules and vocabulary memorization. In the context of English education, it is essential for teachers to integrate CLT principles into their teaching practices to enhance students' language acquisition.

One key aspect of CLT is the emphasis on authentic language use. This means providing students with opportunities to use English in real-life situations, such as role-plays, discussions, and group activities. By engaging in meaningful communication, students can develop their language skills in a more natural and effective way. Teachers can also incorporate authentic materials, such as newspaper articles, videos, and songs, to expose students to real-world language use.

Another important principle of CLT is learner-centeredness. This involves tailoring instruction to meet the individual needs and interests of students. Teachers should create a supportive and interactive classroom environment where students feel comfortable expressing themselves and taking risks in using English. By providing personalized feedback and guidance, teachers can help students progress in their language learning journey.

In addition, CLT encourages the use of task-based activities to promote language acquisition. Tasks should be goal-oriented and require students to use language in a meaningful way to complete them. For example, students could work in groups to plan a trip and present their itinerary to the class. By engaging in tasks that are relevant and challenging, students can improve their communication skills and develop their ability to use English in real-world contexts.

Overall, incorporating CLT principles in English education can help students become more proficient and confident English speakers. By focusing on communication, authenticity, learner-centeredness, and task-based activities, teachers can create a dynamic and engaging learning environment that promotes language acquisition. Through active participation and practice, students can develop their language skills and become effective communicators in English.

英语教学语言论 篇三


1. 问题的提出(教学语言定义)

用英语组织课堂教学,即用英语教英语(teaching English through English)已逐渐成为大学英语教学界的共识,并在教学实践中取得一定成效。最近我们就这一专项进行了抽样调查和跟踪听课,发现英语课堂大致有三种类型:1)基本用汉语组织教学(少数);2)仅使用课堂英语 (classroom English) (约占总数的一半);3)全部用英语组织教学(约占总数40%)。第一种类型当然必须改变;(1)只用简单英语(simple English);(2)全部用较为复杂的英语;(3)开始阶段用简化英语(simplified English);以后逐步使用复杂英语(normal elaborative English)。第一种情况居多,约占该类总数的60%,第二种情况约占30%,第三种情况约占10%。从上述调查结果可见,用英语组织课堂教学的现状不尽如人意,有必要对英语课堂的教学语言进行深入探讨,并从语言学、社会语言学和认识论的角度对教学英语提出一个比较科学的定义,界定其固有特点。这无论从理论上还是在指导教学、促进教学质量的提高上都是一件有意义的事情。教学语言是教师在传授知识、教书育人、组织课堂教学活动时使用的语言,又称教师语言、教师的职业语言。英语教师的教学语言,即英语教学语言。它既不同教师的生活语言,也有别于其他专业人员的专业语言,它是一种教学语言变体。教学语言的质量往往直接影响和决定教学效果的好坏,甚至同样的教学方法,因为语言不同就可能相差20倍。因为教师的语言修养在极大程度上决定着学生课堂上的脑力劳动的效率"(马卡连柯语)。因为,教学语言的质量被列为衡量教师业务水平和教学能力的重要标准之一。

2. 英语教学语言(English teacher talk)的特征


2.1 英语教学语言兼有讲授和语言示范的双重功能。作为教学语言它具有"传道、授业、解惑",开启智慧,传授知识的主要功能。但作为英语老师的教学语言,除完成教学内容的传授之外,它本身还起着语言使用的示范作用,直接影响着学生的语言,语感训练。可以毫不夸张地说,英语教


2.2 英语教学语言的可接受



