猪流感期间我们该去旅游么?中英文对照 篇一
Should we travel during the swine flu outbreak?
With the spread of swine flu, many people are starting to wonder if they should continue with their travel plans. Before making a decision, we need to consider some factors to ensure our trip is safe and enjoyable.
Firstly, we need to consider how swine flu spreads. Swine flu is primarily transmitted through droplets, so the risk of transmission is higher in crowded places such as airports, train stations, and tourist attractions. Therefore, if we plan to travel to crowded places, we need to be more cautious.
Secondly, we need to find out if the destination has any swine flu outbreaks. By checking health alerts and epidemic information of the travel destination, we can better assess the risk. If there is an outbreak at the destination, we may need to reconsider our travel plans.
Furthermore, we need to pay attention to the transportation during the trip. Public transportation such as airplanes, trains, and long-distance buses are high-risk places for virus transmission. When choosing transportation, we should opt for companies that have good hygiene measures and try to avoid peak travel periods.
Lastly, we need to assess our own health condition. If we have any flu-like symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, or fever, we should avoid traveling to prevent spreading the virus to others. We should practice personal hygiene such as frequent handwashing, wearing masks, and avoiding close contact with others.
In conclusion, we can still travel during the swine flu outbreak, but we need to proceed with caution. We should choose destinations with fewer crowds, avoid crowded places, practice personal hygiene, and select transportation with good hygiene measures. Most importantly, we should stay updated with health alerts and epidemic information to make informed decisions.
猪流感期间我们该去旅游么?中英文对照 篇三
走还是不走:猪流感的两难困境To Travel or Not to Travel: A Swine Flu Dilemma猪流感来袭,对于那些潜在的旅行者,是乖乖地呆在家里还是立刻出发,这成了一个难题.
Fearing that their vacations could comprise of surf, sand and swine flu, potential travelers hare turning to ealth organizations for guidance on whether to pack their bags or stay home. And while opinions from health officials have come thick and fast, their often contradictory advice doesn't make it any easier to decide whether to fly or not to fly.由于担心自己的假期除了冲浪,沙滩还有猪流感,关于是该将自己的行李打包呢还是呆在家里,那些潜在的旅行者们开始重视健康组织给出的指导.然而卫生官员的意见来得如此密集和迅速,他们通常自相矛的观点并没有使得该旅行还是该呆在家里这项决定变得容易一些.
A man wears a surgical mask and two hats as he walks at the international airport in Mexico City.
Gregory Bull/AP一名戴着口罩和两顶帽子的男子穿过墨西哥城的国际机场. 格雷戈里·布尔/AP
On Monday, the European Union's health commissioner Androulla Vassiliou told reporters in Luxembourg that she was "not worried at this stage" about a pandemic sweeping across Europe, but she urged travelers to avoid Mexico and the United States anyway. That prompted a swift rebuke from Richard Besser,
So much for a relaxing summer break. Andrew Nolan, 30, a lawyer living in London, had planned to fly to Los Angeles on April 30. But the conflicting travel advisories left him so uneasy that he decided to stay put. "If these large international bodies are having difficulty deciding where it's safe to travel, I thought it was better to cancel," he says of the trip he started planning two months ago. "I'm in no way assured that they understand the full extent of the epidemic, or that they have it under control."
Those concerns will take center stage on Thursday when health ministers from the 27 E.U. states convene at an emergency conference in Luxembourg to define and coordinate a response — and a unified travel advisory. "During these meetings we will ask our European colleagues to consider the suspension of flights going to Mexico," France's Health Minister Roselyne Bachelot told reporters after meeting with French president Nicholas Sarkozy to discuss the flu scare. But France won't advocate suspending flights returning from Mexico, as that would strand thousands of passengers, leaving them in a scramble to find other ways out of the country and potentially increasing their risk of exposure to the virus.
For those in the tourism industry, discussing restrictions simply doesn't fly. The world travel sector is already experiencing its first contraction since 2003, when the outbreak of SARS in Asia decimated tourism revenues. Michael O'Leary, chief executive of discount airline RyanAir, drew criticism on Tuesday for publicly suggesting that only the world's poorest people will succumb to swine flu, despite the fact that two middle-class Scottish newlyweds have been isolated in a hospital for several days after having tested positive for the H1N1 virus. "It is a tragedy only for people living in slums in Asia or Mexico. But will the honeymoon couple from Edinburgh die? No. A couple of Strepsils will do the job," he said, suggesting that all they have to do is suck on the popular candy-flavored, over-the-counter throat lozenges.
Geoffrey Lipman, assistant secretary-general of the World Tourism Organization, has a less inflammatory take. "We know from the past that restrictions don't actually serve to hold back the spread of this kind of virus," he says. "It's already out there around the world in different places." 吉佛利·例泊满,世界旅游组织的助理秘书长,并不那么具有煽动性."我们所了解的是,过去的限制并没有真正得阻止这种病毒的传播,"他说道,"它已经遍布世界上不同的地方."
That's not just hot air. According to Dr. Meirion Evans, an epidemiologist with the U.K.'s Faculty of Public Health, the government body that sets public health standards, "If we start seeing countries reporting contractions from person-to-person, then visiting anywhere in the world would be as risky as visiting Mexico." And despite the high number of swine flu cases reported in Mexico — over 2,000, with more than 150 deaths so far — that number may stabilize or fall, suggesting that Mexico "could be over the worst of its problems, whereas other countries have the worst to come."
Even so, countries continue to take precautions. Officials at Tokyo's Narita International Airport have installed a device at the arrival gate for flights from Mexico to measure the temperature of disembarking passengers, and passengers flying into the Philippines who report fevers have been