
时间:2013-06-05 04:21:37
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四年级下册英语同步练习题分享 篇一



1. My father is a __________. He works in a hospital.

a) teacher

b) doctor

c) farmer

2. Look! The cat is __________ on the tree.

a) sleeping

b) swimming

c) running

3. I like __________. It's my favorite animal.

a) elephant

b) snake

c) bird

4. My sister is __________. She is playing the piano.

a) singing

b) dancing

c) playing

5. We need to __________ the bus at 9 o'clock.

a) catch

b) leave

c) bring


1. What time is it?

a) It's 8:30.

b) It's Sunday.

c) It's a table.

2. How many apples do you want?

a) I want two apples.

b) I am playing football.

c) I have a cat.

3. Can you speak English?

a) Yes, I can.

b) No, I can't.

c) I am a student.

4. Where is the library?

a) It's next to the park.

b) It's Saturday.

c) It's a book.

5. What do you do on the weekend?

a) I like to watch TV.

b) I am 10 years old.

c) I have a dog.


1. ________

a) I am eating dinner.

b) I am playing basketball.

c) I am sleeping.

2. ________

a) I am playing soccer.

b) I am reading a book.

c) I am drawing a picture.

3. ________

a) I am swimming in the pool.

b) I am riding a bike.

c) I am flying a kite.

4. ________

a) I am playing the guitar.

b) I am cooking in the kitchen.

c) I am gardening in the backyard.

5. ________

a) I am skiing in the mountains.

b) I am painting a picture.

c) I am playing the piano.


1. I am going to the ________.

a) park

b) supermarket

c) school

2. She is playing the ________.

a) piano

b) guitar

c) drums

3. They are ________ in the pool.

a) swimming

b) skiing

c) fishing

4. He is ________ a book.

a) reading

b) writing

c) drawing

5. I am ________ a letter.

a) writing

b) eating

c) running


一、1. b) doctor 2. a) sleeping 3. c) bird 4. c) playing 5. a) catch

二、1. a) It's 8:30. 2. a) I want two apples. 3. a) Yes, I can. 4. a) It's next to the park. 5. a) I like to watch TV.

三、1. a) I am eating dinner. 2. c) I am drawing a picture. 3. b) I am riding a bike. 4. c) I am gardening in the backyard. 5. a) I am skiing in the mountains.

四、1. a) park 2. a) piano 3. a) swimming 4. a) reading 5. a) writing

四年级下册英语同步练习题分享 篇二



1. I have a pet __________. It's very cute.

a) cat

b) dog

c) rabbit

2. My brother likes __________. He can play it very well.

a) soccer

b) basketball

c) volleyball

3. Look at the __________. It's flying in the sky.

a) bird

b) butterfly

c) fish

4. We are going to __________. It's going to be fun.

a) the zoo

b) the museum

c) the library

5. Can you __________ me a favor? I need your help.

a) do

b) make

c) take


1. What day is it today?

a) It's Monday.

b) It's September.

c) It's a pencil.

2. How old are you?

a) I am 9 years old.

b) I am playing soccer.

c) I like to eat ice cream.

3. Can you swim?

a) Yes, I can.

b) No, I can't.

c) I like to swim.

4. Where is the park?

a) It's behind the school.

b) It's a dog.

c) It's a tree.

5. What is your favorite color?

a) My favorite color is blue.

b) I am playing with my friends.

c) I have a cat.


1. ________

a) I am playing with my friends.

b) I am doing my homework.

c) I am riding a bike.

2. ________

a) I am playing chess.

b) I am swimming in the pool.

c) I am sleeping.

3. ________

a) I am drawing a picture.

b) I am playing the guitar.

c) I am reading a book.

4. ________

a) I am playing basketball.

b) I am baking cookies.

c) I am skiing in the mountains.

5. ________

a) I am flying a kite.

b) I am cooking in the kitchen.

c) I am playing the piano.


1. They are playing ________.

a) soccer

b) basketball

c) baseball

2. He is playing the ________.

a) guitar

b) piano

c) drums

3. She is ________ a cake.

a) baking

b) cooking

c) gardening

4. I am ________ a story.

a) writing

b) reading

c) drawing

5. We are ________ a picnic.

a) having

b) eating

c) running


一、1. c) rabbit 2. a) soccer 3. a) bird 4. a) the zoo 5. a) do

二、1. a) It's Monday. 2. a) I am 9 years old. 3. a) Yes, I can. 4. a) It's behind the school. 5. a) My favorite color is blue.

三、1. c) I am riding a bike. 2. b) I am swimming in the pool. 3. a) I am drawing a picture. 4. a) I am playing basketball. 5. a) I am flying a kite.

四、1. a) soccer 2. a) guitar 3. a) baking 4. b) reading 5. a) having

四年级下册英语同步练习题分享 篇三










