
时间:2011-09-02 09:10:49
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小学英语《Shapes》教案设计 篇一

Title: Fun with Shapes

Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify and describe basic shapes in English.

Warm-up (10 minutes):

- Begin the lesson by singing a shape song with the students to get them excited about learning shapes.

- Show flashcards of different shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle) and have students say the names of each shape.

Introduction (10 minutes):

- Review the shapes with the students by asking them to point to different shapes around the classroom.

- Introduce new shapes such as oval, diamond, and star by showing flashcards and having students repeat the names.

Activity 1: Shape Sorting (15 minutes):

- Divide the students into small groups and give each group a set of shape cards.

- Have students work together to sort the shapes into groups based on their characteristics (e.g. round shapes, shapes with straight lines).

- Encourage students to use English to describe the shapes as they sort them.

Activity 2: Shape Hunt (15 minutes):

- Give each student a worksheet with different shapes drawn on it.

- Have students walk around the classroom and find objects that match each shape on their worksheet.

- After the shape hunt, have students share their findings with the class and describe the shapes they found.

Wrap-up (10 minutes):

- Review the shapes with the students by playing a quick game of "Shape Charades," where students have to act out a shape and their classmates have to guess which shape it is.

- End the lesson by singing the shape song again and having students say goodbye to each shape in English.

Homework: Ask students to draw and label different shapes they find at home.

Assessment: Observe students during the activities to see if they can correctly identify and describe shapes in English.

小学英语《Shapes》教案设计 篇二

Title: Exploring Shapes through Art

Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify and create different shapes using English vocabulary.

Warm-up (10 minutes):

- Begin the lesson by reviewing the shapes with the students through a quick game of "Shape Simon Says," where students have to follow directions to make different shapes with their bodies.

- Show examples of shape art (e.g. paintings, sculptures) and ask students to describe the shapes they see.

Introduction (10 minutes):

- Introduce new shapes such as heart, crescent, and octagon by showing flashcards and having students repeat the names.

- Explain to students that they will be creating their own shape art using these new shapes.

Activity 1: Shape Collage (20 minutes):

- Give each student a piece of paper and a variety of colored construction paper.

- Have students cut out different shapes from the construction paper and glue them onto their paper to create a shape collage.

- Encourage students to use English to describe the shapes they are using as they create their collages.

Activity 2: Shape Sculptures (20 minutes):

- Provide students with modeling clay or Play-Doh and demonstrate how to create different shapes using the clay.

- Have students work in pairs to sculpt different shapes and describe them to their partners in English.

- Encourage students to get creative with their shapes and try to make 3D shapes as well.

Wrap-up (10 minutes):

- Have students share their shape collages and sculptures with the class, describing the shapes they used and how they created them.

- End the lesson by singing the shape song and having students say goodbye to each shape they used in their artwork.

Homework: Ask students to find shapes in nature or their surroundings and take pictures to share with the class.

Assessment: Evaluate students' ability to identify and create shapes using English vocabulary during the activities.

小学英语《Shapes》教案设计 篇三


  1. New words: an ostrich, an octopus, a pig, a peacock

  2. Sing the song


  1. 本单元的卡片

  2. 学生的图形卡片


  1. Warm-up

  (1) 将图形卡片放在地板上,各图形间隔一定的距离,教师说:“Square.” 然后跳到方形的卡片面前;教师说:“Circle.”跳到圆形的卡片前面。

  (2) 选一名学生按指令做。随意说图形的名称,让该学生从一个形状前跳 到另一个形状前。

  (3) 让学生轮流说图形的名称。

  2. Sing the song


  (1) 让学生看歌曲旁边的图,问学生看到的是什么颜色,并说出颜色的名

  (2) 说形状的名称,让学生指每个图形。

  (3) 读单词,学生听并跟着默读。

  (4) 把歌曲录音完整地放一遍。学生听并依次指歌曲中唱到的图形。

  (5) 再放一遍歌曲,学生跟唱,边唱边指图形。

  (6) 让学生拿出形状卡片。再放一遍录音,学生举起歌中提到的图形。

  3. Let’s say


  (1) 让学生打开书,看书中鸵鸟的图片。指着鸵鸟说:“This is an ostrich.”

  (2) 放录音,指单词的图片;再放一遍录音,学生听录音,并跟读。

  (3) 重复以上步骤学习其他单词。

小学英语《Shapes》教案设计 篇四




  1. 本单元的卡片。

  2. 学生的图形卡片。

  3. 着色用的彩笔或蜡笔。


  1. Warm-up

  Game: What is missing?

  (1) 把图形卡片贴在黑板上。

  (2) 指卡片,让学生说出图形的名称。

  (3) 让学生闭上眼睛,教师取下一张卡片,放在背后。

  (4) 学生睁开眼睛,说出被拿走的卡片的名称。向学生展示被抽出的卡片, 肯定他们的答案。

  (5) 让学生4-5人一组做该游戏。一具学生将自己的一套卡片放在桌子上, 一张一张地抽,其他学生说被抽出的图形卡片的名称。

  2. Say the rhyme.


  (1) 让学生打开书,看动物的插图,让学生说一说关于这些动物他们所知 道的知识。

  (2) 让学生观察鸵鸟的插图,指着鸵鸟的腿说:“Leg.”让学生数一数鸵鸟 有几只腿并回答。

  (3) 用同样的方法完成其他的动物。

  (4) 放录音,让学生听录音指对应的插图。

  (5) 再放一遍录音,这一次让学生模仿录音中提到的动物。

  (6) 再放录音,鼓励学生跟读说歌谣。

  3.Trace and match


  (1) 让学生看围栏上的装饰图形,告诉学生图形的出现有一定的规律, Mocky正试着找出规律,画出下面几个形状。

  (2) 指着Mocky对话框中的词朗读,让学生重复。告诉学生你希望他们能 够找出规律,帮助Mocky装饰围栏。

  (3) 留出时间让学生找出规律,并在围栏上画出图形。

  (4) 用同样的方法完成其余三幅插图。



小学英语《Shapes》教案设计 篇五






  rectangle, triangle




  A. Greetings.

  B. 出示单词卡片,带领学生学习形状单词。然后可以让学生找出教室中的三角形、正方形、圆形和长方形。比如:三角板是三角形,电视是长方形,衣服上的纽扣是圆形,等等。

  C. 请学生分别带上不同几何图形的头饰,表演不同的形状,加深学生对性状单词的记忆,同时激发学生的学习兴趣。

  D. 在学生对形状单词掌握较熟练后,听歌谣的录音。

  在学生听录音学歌谣的过程中,可以让学生自己编排动作,或者用教师编排的动作(根据教材中给出的用手指组合不同的形状),并让他们在教师里转圈行走。教师要求学生在说到Say hello时要招手示意,表示问候;说到Here we go时,以其握手问好。

  E. Part B. 学生以pair work形式,相互表演形状并进行猜测:一人发指令,另一人用受阻和图形。这样讲语言与动作联系起来。除用手指组合图形外,还可以让学生用肢体做动作表示形状;或让学生听指令举起相应的实物。

  F. 学生听教师指令画图,然后用英语表达。

  在学生对这一活动熟练后可以group work形式由学生自己操作。

  Stand up! Put up your hands. Show me your fingers. Make a square with your fingers. Put down your hands. Sit down, please. And so on.

  Stand up.

  Put up your two hands.

  Show me your ten fingers.

  Make a circle with your fingers like this.

  Make a triangle with your fingers like this.

  Make a square with your fingers like this.

  Make a rectangle with your fingers like this.

小学英语《Shapes》教案设计 篇六









  A. Greetings.

  B. 先带领学生复习形状单词、数词,并进行交际练习。

  C. 配合教学挂图,给学生讲故事。再讲故事的时候可适当用英语做些介绍,重点词句多重复几次。

  D. 学生观察教学挂图,找出主线人物,并说出他们的名字。


  E. 再让学生反复听、模仿说句子的基础上,可让他们听分图录音进行角色表演。鼓励学生以小组为单位表演故事。可以分角色进行,也可以采取一人讲述一幅图的方式。

  F. 反复播放录音。并在期间与学生一起做风车。


