高中英语教案 Unit 2 English around the Wor(精选3篇)

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高中英语教案 Unit 2 English around the Wor 篇三

高中英语教案 Unit 2 English around the World

  Unit 2 English arund the Wrld

  Perid 4 Learning abut Language

  1.Teaching ais


  2. “What a lvel girl!” the said.

  3. He ased, “Are u a teacher?”

  4. “This is the craziest thing I have heard f s far,” she thught.

  5. Mr Wang said, “I

  2)Culd u g and get the shpping bags, please?

  3)Shut the dr at nce.

  4)G and get cat.

  5)Wuld u please get that b fr e?

  2. Suar

  cands requests

  Clse the dr! Please ………..

  Get e sething t eat! Wuld u please…….

  Spea luder………. Culd u please……

  3. Change the cands int requests.

  Clse the dr! Spea luder! eep silent! Get e sething t drin

  Ⅱhange a cand int an Indirect Speech.

  tld sb (nt) t d sth

  “Open the

  “Dn’t pen the

  Ⅲhange a request int an Indirect Speech

  as(ed) sb (nt) t d sth

  “Open the

  “Dn’t pen the

  特别提醒 1.祈使句变为间接引语,主要使用动词不定式。


  表示命令,用tell,rder,cand等。表示请求,用as,beg,request等。表示忠告,用 advise。


p4 Practice

  1.“Shut up,”she said t hi.

  2.“Spea luder, please,” he said t her.

  “Can u spea luder?” he ased her

  3.“Tr the lift,” she said t her.

  4.“Dn’t 5

高中英语教案 Unit 2 English around the Wor(精选3篇)

