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新版小学英语三年级上册全册教案 篇一

Unit 1: Hello!


1. To greet people using "Hello" and "Hi".

2. To introduce oneself using "My name is...".

3. To respond to greetings appropriately.

4. To understand and use basic classroom language such as "sit down", "stand up", and "open your book".

5. To recognize and say the numbers 1-10.

Lesson 1:

Introduction: Greet the students and introduce yourself using "Hello, I'm Teacher Sarah."

Warm-up: Play a game of "Simon Says" using basic classroom commands such as "sit down" and "stand up".

Presentation: Teach the students how to say "Hello" and "Hi" by showing flashcards and modeling the pronunciation.

Practice: Have the students practice greeting each other in pairs using the phrases learned.

Production: Ask the students to introduce themselves to the class by saying "My name is..." followed by their name.

Consolidation: Review the numbers 1-10 by counting together as a class.

Homework: Practice greeting family members at home using the phrases learned in class.

Unit 2: My Family


1. To learn and say family members in English such as "mother", "father", "sister", and "brother".

2. To describe family relationships using possessive pronouns like "my" and "his/her".

3. To ask and answer questions about family members.

4. To recognize and say the colors red, blue, green, and yellow.

Lesson 1:

Introduction: Review the family members learned in the previous lesson using flashcards.

Warm-up: Play a game of "Who Am I?" where students describe a family member and others guess who it is.

Presentation: Introduce the possessive pronouns "my", "his", and "her" by showing examples with family members.

Practice: Have students ask and answer questions about their family members in pairs using the new vocabulary.

Production: Ask students to create a family tree on paper and label each family member with the correct possessive pronoun.

Consolidation: Review the colors red, blue, green, and yellow by showing colored objects and naming them in English.

Homework: Draw a picture of their family and label each member with the correct possessive pronoun.

新版小学英语三年级上册全册教案 篇二

Unit 3: My School


1. To learn and say school subjects in English such as "math", "English", "science", and "art".

2. To describe school activities using verbs like "study", "read", "draw", and "play".

3. To ask and answer questions about school subjects and activities.

4. To recognize and say the days of the week.

Lesson 1:

Introduction: Review the school subjects learned in the previous lesson using flashcards.

Warm-up: Play a game of charades where students act out school activities for others to guess.

Presentation: Introduce verbs related to school activities such as "study", "read", "draw", and "play" by showing examples with pictures.

Practice: Have students ask and answer questions about their favorite subjects and activities in pairs using the new vocabulary.

Production: Ask students to create a schedule for a typical school day and write down the activities they do in each subject.

Consolidation: Review the days of the week by singing a song and pointing to each day on a calendar.

Homework: Write a short paragraph about their favorite school subject and why they enjoy it.

Unit 4: My Home


1. To learn and say rooms and objects in a house in English such as "living room", "kitchen", "bedroom", "sofa", and "bed".

2. To describe furniture and household items using adjectives like "big", "small", "comfortable", and "beautiful".

3. To ask and answer questions about their home and belongings.

4. To recognize and say prepositions of place such as "on", "in", "under", and "behind".

Lesson 1:

Introduction: Review the rooms and objects in a house learned in the previous lesson using flashcards.

Warm-up: Play a memory game where students match furniture and household items with their corresponding rooms in a house.

Presentation: Introduce adjectives related to describing furniture and household items such as "big", "small", "comfortable", and "beautiful" by showing examples with pictures.

Practice: Have students describe their own bedroom or living room to a partner using the new vocabulary.

Production: Ask students to draw a picture of their home and label each room and object with the correct adjective.

Consolidation: Review prepositions of place by giving students instructions to place objects in different locations around the classroom.

Homework: Write a short paragraph describing their favorite room in their house and why they like it.

新版小学英语三年级上册全册教案 篇三


第一单元教学计划 一、教学目标与要求 1.能够在情景中理解、会说 Hello! Hi! Goodbye! Bye-bye! Im... Whats your name? My names ... Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Good night! 并能够在真实的语言环境中初步运用。 2.能够听、说、认读cat, monkey, dog, duck, panda, bear, pig, rabbit, mouse, 并能扮演这些角色,进行情景对话。 3.能够听懂课堂所接触的简短的指令语并做出相应的反应。 二、教学重难点 进行会话学习,一方面通过打招呼、自我介绍等情景让学生在感知、模仿、学习、体验的基础上逐步达到自然交流。并能准确的运用Hello! Hi! Goodbye! Bye-bye! Im... Whats your name? My names ... Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Good night!进行语言交流。和一些动物的表达cat, monkey, dog, duck, panda, bear, pig, rabbit, mouse。根据指令做出相应的反应。 三、教具准备 单词卡片、头饰、录音机、磁带、小闹钟,爸爸用的烟斗,妈妈用的围裙等。 四、课时安排 本单元需用6~7课时 Lesson 1 一、教学目标 1.Just speak 本部分主要从两个方面进行会话学习,一方面通过打招呼、自我介绍等情景让学生在感知、模仿、学习、体验的基础上逐步达到自然交流与真实运用语言的目的。另一方面创设情景达到言语交际的目的。 2.Just read 学习有关动物的单词:cat, monkey。 3.Lets sing 学唱歌曲Hello,巩固本课教学内容。 二、教学重难点 进行会话学习,一方面通过打招呼、自我介绍等情景让学生在感知、模仿、学习、体验的基础上逐步达到自然交流 三、课前准备 1.将教师用书后所附的本套教材主要人物的图片复印或剪下,涂色后制成头饰,以备课堂表演用;也可请学生将活动手册书后所附头饰图剪下,涂色后制成头饰。 2.为班上学生准备男女生常用的英文名字卡(可参考本书后的附录)。 四、教学步骤 1.热身 / 复习(Warm-up / Revision) 1)课前播放歌曲Hello,渲染课堂学习的活跃气氛。 2)教师可以在课前搜集一些常用的英文单词或缩写诸如WTO, TV, HK, E-mail, CD, Cool等,让学生了解一些身边的英语,并请同学们说一说他们所知道的生活中的英语。这样做有助于强化他们亲历英语使用过程的真实感受。 2.新课导入(Presentation) 1)以自然的

方式配以恰当的手势动作向学生说Hello, 引导学生向老师说Hello,表示问候。然后让学生相互间用Hello!练习问好。 2)教师胸前佩戴英文名字卡进行自我介绍: Hello, Im Lily Brown.,借助手势让学生理解句子含义,并通过戴头饰介绍书中的.主要人物Li Yan, Peter,让学生进一步感知Im... 的含意。 3)让学生到讲台上来,戴上Li Yan, Peter的面具说 Hello, Im ...,然后请学 生向老师进行真实的自我介绍。 4)向学生出示本课书的教学挂图并为学生提供一个这样的话题情景:清晨,校园里来了一个外国小学生,同学们和他热情地打招呼。同时借助该挂图,教师指向远处躲在大树后的小动物提问:Look, whats that?, 教师将原本贴在树后的动物图片进行移动,使学生能够识别出动物cat, monkey,然后戴上小动物的面具说:Hi, Im Micky.Hello, Im Mimi. 5)听录音,用投影展示Just speak和Just read部分的教学内容。让学生听录音跟读,并要求学生用手指着句子、单词来认读,力求做到“眼到、手到、口到、心到”,体会英语的句意。 3.趣味操练(Practice) 1)分别将Li Yan, Peter, Micky, Mimi的头饰戴在学生头上,另选一名学生用眼罩蒙住眼睛,让Li Yan等四位学生中的一个说Hello, 让蒙住眼睛的同学猜,如果猜中,要说Yes, Im ... ; 如果猜错,要说No.Im ...。猜对得一分。 2)教师要注意学生的语音、语调,特别是Im的发音,防止丢音现象。 3)游戏: 找朋友。将学生分成里外两个圆圈,听音乐转圈,每当音乐停止时,让里外圈的小朋友面对面相互问好并进行自我介绍。 4.课堂评价(Assessment) 在教师指导下完成活动手册的内容。这是第一次做活动手册的练习,因此,教师应全面、细致地指导学生。 1)首先教师向学生介绍活动手册的作用与使用方法,也可给学生展示自我评价的小印章,并告诉学生每个单元的练习完成后,大家可以根据完成活动的质量得到相应的贴纸奖励(见附录)。教师与学生讨论本单元获奖的数量,因为是起始单元,起点可以稍微低一点,尽量让每一个学生都可以得到小贴纸。 2)教师讲解题目的意思并指导做法,让学生先看书上的图,猜猜图中的人物,想想他们在说些什么。 3)让学生听录音完成练习。 4)再次播放录音,并指导学生进行有效的跟读,必要时可核对答案。最后,通过给印章涂颜色进行自我评价。 4.课外活动(Additional activities) 1)鼓励学生在课下遇到老师、同学和家长时用Hello! Hi! 打招呼,分手时用Goodbye或 Bye-bye道别。 2)听录音,模仿会话,并在实际情景中运用所学的内容。 Lesson 2 一、教学目标 1.Just speak 本部分通过情景会话,让学生学习用Whats your name? 询问对方的姓名并回答。 2.Just read 学习有关动物的单词:dog, duck。 3.Lets sing 学唱歌曲Whats your name? 巩固本课教学内容。 二、教学重难点 让学生学习用Whats your name? 询问对方的姓名并回答。 学习有关动物的单词:dog, duck。 三、课前准备 制作小狗dog和小鸭duck的头饰以备课堂表演用。 四、教学步骤 1.热身 / 复习(Warm-up / Revision) 1)课前播放歌曲Whats your name? 渲染课堂学习的活跃气氛。 2)唱 Hello 歌。 3)学生将英文名字卡戴在胸前,分别起立做自我介绍。如: Hello, Im Mary. Hello, Im Peter. 2.新课导入(Presentation) 1)教师指自己的英文名字卡说 Hello! Im Chen Li,还可以变换方式说 My names Chen Li.,并重复几遍。接着以自然的方式问一名学生:Whats your name? (用清晰、缓慢的语调问两遍)边问边指他的英文名字卡,并用口型提示他回答My name is ...,用类似的方法在教室里与学生进行问答练习,引导他们用My name is ... 进行互相问答,注意name一词的发音。 2)向学生出示本课书的教学挂图,借助该挂图,复现上一节课的小动物。在巩固复习的基础上引出新的单词dog, cat。 教师可以戴上动物的头饰介绍: Hello! Im a dog.My name is Doggy.Whats your name? Hi! Im a duck.My name is Ducky.,并请同学们戴上小动物的头饰进行对话。 3)听录音,用投影展示Just speak 和Just read 部分的教学内容,让学生听录音,跟读,并要求学生用手指着句子、单词进行认读,力求做到“眼到、手到、口到、心到”,体会其英语句意。 3.趣味操练(Practice) 1)将学生分成四个动物代表队,进行课文对话表演,比一比,看一看,哪组同学创设的场景最好,表情丰富,语句运用充分得体,为他们颁发最佳表演奖。 2)教师可以利用玩扑克牌的形式将学生快速分组进行找朋友的游戏,持有不同花色相同数字的学生要走到一起,互相问候并询问姓名。 3)两个学生高举手臂筑成拱桥,播放歌曲Whats your name?,当音乐停止时,哪一个学生落到桥下,参与游戏的全体学生都要问Whats your name?请他回答。 4)教唱歌曲Whats your name?。 4.课堂评价(Assessment) 在教师指导下完成活动手册中本课的内容。 1)让学生先观察图画,然后听录音,圈出录音中听到的动物。 2)教师再放录音,让学生跟读,模仿,并核对答案。 3)指导学生进行自我评价。 5.课外活动(Additional activities) 1)听录音,模仿会话,并在实际情景中运用所学的内容。请学生利用课余时间做调查,用英语询问家庭相关成员的姓名。 Lesson 3 一、教学目标 1.Just speak 本部分通过情景会话,让学生学习如何用英语互相问早上好。 2.Just read 学习有关表示动物的单词:panda, bear。 3.Lets sing 学唱歌曲Good mornig,巩固本课教学内容。 二、教学重难点 让学生学习如何用英语互相问早上好。学习表示动物的单词:panda, bear。 三、课前准备 制作熊猫panda和小熊bear的头饰以备课堂表演用。 四、教学步骤 1.热身 / 复习(Warm-up / Revision) 1)课前播放歌曲Good morning渲染课堂学习的活跃气氛。 2)唱歌曲Whats your name?。 3)做接龙游戏: A:My name is Li Yan.Whats your name? B:My name is Peter.Whats your name? C:My name is Micky.Whats your name? ... 2.新课导入(Presentation) 1)以自然的方式走向学生逐一问候Good morning,并配以恰当的简笔画(教师在黑板上画一个升起的太阳,并在旁边标出时间段(7:00—12:00)便于学生更好地理解该短语,教师指图领读单词、短语,然后引导学生互致Good morning。 2)当学生们向老师问候Good morning.时,教师不失时机地回答Good morning, boys and girls.为了便于学生理解boy和girl这两个单词的意思,教师可以先分别指着几个男同学说boys, 指着几个女同学说girls, 然后再说: Good morning, boys and girls。 3)为了让学生学会说Good morning, Mr Zhang,教师可以先自我介绍Im Zhang Lin.You may call me Mr Zhang.让学生跟读Mr这一缩略词,然后再说Mr Zhang。教师可在黑板上画一位女教师的简笔画并介绍This is Liu Mei.You may call her Miss Liu.同时将Miss Liu 写在黑板上。为下课学习Miss Liu打下埋伏。(教师可根据实际情况,替换Mr Zhang和Miss Liu) 4)借助挂图,复现上一节课的小动物。在巩固复习的基础上引出新的单词panda和bear。教师可以这样引导学生问候小动物:Look, thats Mr Panda.Lets say “Good morning, Mr Panda.”然后让学生戴上小动物的面具进行对话。 5)听录音,用投影展示Just speak和Just read部分的教学内容,让学生听录音,跟读,并要求学生用手指着句子和单词认读,力求做到“眼到、手到、口到、心到”体会英语句意。 3.趣味操练(Practice) 1)将学生围成

