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新目标英语八年级上册第七单元教案示例 篇一

Unit 7: Have you ever climbed Mount Tai?

Teaching Objectives:

1. Students will be able to understand and use the present perfect tense to talk about experiences.

2. Students will be able to ask and answer questions about past experiences using the present perfect tense.

3. Students will be able to describe their own experiences using the present perfect tense.

4. Students will be able to use adverbs of frequency (always, often, sometimes, rarely, never) to talk about how often they have done certain activities.

Teaching Procedures:

1. Warm-up (5 minutes): Start the lesson by asking students if they have ever traveled to a different country. Elicit some responses from students and introduce the topic of the present perfect tense.

2. Presentation (15 minutes): Present the present perfect tense using examples and visuals. Explain the structure (have/has + past participle) and demonstrate how to form sentences using the present perfect tense.

3. Practice (20 minutes): Have students work in pairs to ask and answer questions about past experiences using the present perfect tense. Monitor and provide feedback as needed.

4. Production (15 minutes): Ask students to write three sentences about their own experiences using the present perfect tense. Encourage them to share their sentences with the class.

5. Consolidation (10 minutes): Review adverbs of frequency with students and have them practice using them in sentences about their experiences. Provide additional examples and feedback as needed.

6. Homework (5 minutes): Assign homework that reinforces the use of the present perfect tense and adverbs of frequency. Encourage students to practice forming sentences on their own.


Assess students' understanding of the present perfect tense by observing their participation in class activities and reviewing their homework assignments. Provide feedback on any errors and offer additional practice opportunities if needed.

Overall, this lesson aims to help students become more comfortable using the present perfect tense to talk about their experiences and to develop their speaking and writing skills in English.


新目标英语八年级上册第七单元教案示例 篇二

Unit 7: Have you ever tried sushi?

Teaching Objectives:

1. Students will be able to understand and use the present perfect tense to talk about experiences related to food and cuisine.

2. Students will be able to ask and answer questions about trying new foods using the present perfect tense.

3. Students will be able to describe their food preferences and experiences using the present perfect tense.

4. Students will be able to use food-related vocabulary to discuss different types of cuisine.

Teaching Procedures:

1. Warm-up (5 minutes): Begin the lesson by showing pictures of different international foods and asking students if they have ever tried them. Elicit responses and introduce the topic of trying new foods.

2. Presentation (15 minutes): Introduce the present perfect tense in the context of trying new foods. Provide examples and explain how to form sentences using the present perfect tense with food-related verbs.

3. Practice (20 minutes): Have students work in pairs to ask and answer questions about trying new foods using the present perfect tense. Monitor and provide feedback on students' use of vocabulary and grammar.

4. Production (15 minutes): Ask students to write about their favorite foods and any new foods they have tried using the present perfect tense. Encourage them to share their writing with the class.

5. Consolidation (10 minutes): Review food-related vocabulary with students and have them practice using it in sentences about their food preferences and experiences. Provide additional examples and feedback as needed.

6. Homework (5 minutes): Assign homework that reinforces the use of the present perfect tense with food-related vocabulary. Encourage students to research and write about a new food they would like to try.


Assess students' understanding of the present perfect tense and food-related vocabulary by observing their participation in class activities and reviewing their written work. Provide feedback on any errors and offer additional practice opportunities if needed.

In conclusion, this lesson aims to help students expand their vocabulary related to food and cuisine, as well as practice using the present perfect tense in the context of trying new foods.

新目标英语八年级上册第七单元教案示例 篇三


How do you make a banana smoothie?教案示例   I. 学习目标   1.学会描述混合饮料、沙拉、三明治等食品的制作程序。   2.学会区分可数名词和不可数名词及如何表示量。   3.学会写菜谱。   4.学会描述某个过程。   II. 学习向导 语言目标 学习策略与思维技巧 重点词汇 How do you make…? Peel the bananas. How many apples do we need? How much milk do we need? First, cut up the bananas. Then, … 通过对话练习,巩固所学知识。 通过上下文进行逻辑排序。 通过合作学习,启发思维,培养动手能力与合作精神。 first, next, then, finally cut up, peel, put, mix up, turn on salad, sandwich, hamburger watermelon, lettuce, onion, turkey, relish honey, mayonnaise, 语言结构 语言功能 跨学科学习 可数名词和不可数名词 How many/How much 问句 叙述过程的词: first, next, then, finally 谈论自己喜爱的食物 描述制作食物的过程 社会实践:制作食物 文化:了解其他国家的饮食文化。   III.疑点、难点解析   1.cut:切,割,剪,割破;cut up:切碎,粉碎,捣毁。   如:   I cut my finger when I cooked dinner yesterday. 昨天我做晚饭时割破了手指。   The butcher cut up the meat. 屠夫把肉切碎.   2.可数名词和不可数名词量的表示方法。特别注意不可数名词要加表示容器或体积大小的名词,与of构成短语才能表示量。   如:   a piece of paper, two teaspoons of cinnamon,a cup of yogurt,a bar of chocolate   3.add…to 把…加到…上。   如:   If you add 5 to 6, you get 11. 五加六得十一。   4.在描述一件事情的先后顺序时,恰当地使用副词first、next、then 和 finally,既能使说话人喘口气,又能使听话者感到句子的连贯性。   IV. 补充的词汇   1.碟子 dish        7. 苏打水 soda       13. 酱油  sauce   2.盘子 plate       8. 奶油  cream       14. 香油  sesame oil   3.汤匙 spoon        9. 桃   peach       15. 黄油  butter   4.刀子 knife       10. 梨   pear        16. 色拉油 salad oil   5.叉子 fork        11. 葡萄 grape       17. 花生酱 peanut butter   6.打蛋器 egg beater   12. 草莓 strawberry    18. 芝麻酱 sesame paste   V. 能力训练   一、补全对话   A: Let’s______ fruit salad.   B: OK, good idea. How ______cinnamon _____we need?   A: One teaspoon.   B: And how _______ apples do we need?   A: Let me think… We ______two apples.   B: OK, and how much mayonnaise do we need?   A: Two teaspoons should ______enough.   二、重新安排下面句子的'顺序,使其成为一个完整的对话。   1. I’m hungry. Let’s make a fruit smoothie.   2. What else do we need?   3. Two teaspoons should do it. And we need two teaspoons of yogurt.   4. We need three.   5. How many bananas do we need?    6. That sounds good. What fruit do we need?   7. How much mayonnaise do we need?   8. OK, three bananas, two teaspoons of mayonnaise and two teaspoons of yogurt.   9. We need mayonnaise.   10. We need bananas.   三、选择填空。   1. You should ______ the bananas and put them in the blender.   A. cut down    B. cut up    C. cut in   2. Mon, can I turn _____ the TV? I want to watch the soccer game.   A. on       B. off      C. up   3. How _______ yogurt do you need?   A. many      B. a little   C.  much   4. I need ______________.   A. two slices of bread     B. two slices bread     C. two slice of bread   5. How ____ cups of milk do you drink every day?   A. much      B. many      C. a little   四、根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。   1. How many ______ (teacher) are there in your school?   2. I have three _______( watch ).   3. There are some _______( orange) on the table.   4. I like _______(tomato) and _______ ( chicken).   5. How much _______( honey ) do we need?   6. Tina, let’s _________(make) fruit salad.   7. Oh, it ______(rain) last night, so the ground is wet now.   8. Tom is a little _________ ( strong) than Mike.   9. I think English is ________________(important)

than any other subject.   10. My mother ________( take) the bus to work every day.   五、完形填空 The Right Place for the Reece   Mr Reece worked on a farm. He and his wife grew a lot of things and they had some cows. Every day they worked hard  1   morning till night. One day, Mr Reece  2   his wife. “Let’s go to Portsmouth next Sunday. We can  3   a good lunch there and then we can go to the cinema.”   His wife was very happy when she  4   this, because they always ate a lot, and she didn’t 5  cooking three times a day.   They went to Portsmouth by plane and walked about  6   an hour. Then, when it was twelve o’clock, they wanted to  7  . They looked at four restaurants(饭店). In front of one restaurant, they  8   a notice(公告). It read, “Lunch: 12:30 to 2:30, 1.5 pounds.”   “Well, that’s  9   ,” Mrs Reece said. “We can eat for two hours for 1.5 pounds here! This is  10   for us.”   1. A. at       B. from       C. in       D. on   2. A. told to     B. asked       C. spoke      D. said to   3. A. cook      B. smell      C. have      D. buy   4. A. heard from   B. heard of    C. heard     D. listened   5. A. think      B. wish       C. want      D. like   6. A. for       B. by        C. at       D. in   7. A. have a rest  B. have lunch    C. take a bus   D. go home   8. A. saw       B. heard       C. watched    D. looked for   9. A. terrible    B. well       C. bad      D. great   10.A. the news    B. the thing    C. the place    D. the shop   六、书面表达   下周末,同学们准备开一次聚会,在聚会上,大家想自己动手制作一些喜欢吃的东西,许多同学爱吃水果沙拉,你会做吗?请你根据下面所给的材料,写出制作水果沙拉的过程。   three bananas, three apples, a watermelon, a bowl, cinnamon, yogurt. _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________   VI. Culture(文化):   1. How to keep table manners:   * Fingers: We eat with chopsticks, forks, knives and spoons. But we eat some foods with fingers. For example: grapes, pizza, fries and fried chicken.   * Elbow: Where do you put your elbows when you are eating? Remember to keep them off the table.   * Mouth: Chew with your mouth closed.   2. Eating habit:   * Indian use hands to eat meals, southerners use two hands when they are eating, but the northerner just use the left hand to eat.   * Arab families use only the first three fingers of the right hand to eat.   * American people don’t like to eat up all food when they are eating, they believe that will bring them bad luck and it’s rude.   3. 白族筷子趣话筷子:   白族人民对筷子的偏爱,不仅和其他民族一样在生活中离不开它,而且还形成了独特的习俗。一般请客吃饭,用一般的竹筷子。而在婚礼上使用的筷子,一律都用红颜色染就加工的竹筷子。因此,主人家在婚庆之前要砍回一些竹子请人加工削成筷子,然后用红颜色染红。这一是取红为吉利,二则是借用红字的谐音,取“和睦”之意。而前来参加喜庆婚宴的客人都要把自己使用的那双红筷子带回家、借主人家喜庆庆贺自家“和和气气”、“和睦相处。因而要准备多很多的"红筷子"。有趣的是新媳妇吃饭要用十多双红筷子扎成一把吃饭,据说这是图多子的意思。   答案及简析   一、   A: Let’s make fruit salad.   B: OK, good idea. How much cinnamon do we need?   A: One teaspoon.   B: And how many apples do we need?   A: Let me think… We need two apples.   B: OK, and how much mayonnaise do we need?   A: Two teaspoons should be enough.   二、   1  6  10  5  4  2  9  7  3  8   三、   1. B  cut up有: 切碎,粉碎,捣毁 的意思.    2. A  turn on 的意思是: 打开(电视机)   3. C  yogurt是不可

