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英语8册第四课教案 篇一

Title: Lesson Plan for Grade 8 English Lesson Four


- Students will be able to identify and use vocabulary related to travel and transportation.

- Students will be able to write a short paragraph describing their dream vacation destination.

- Students will be able to engage in a dialogue about travel plans with a partner.

Materials Needed:

- PowerPoint presentation with images of different modes of transportation

- Handouts with vocabulary words and phrases related to travel

- Paper and pens for writing activity

- Role-play cards for dialogue practice

Warm-Up (10 minutes):

- Begin the lesson by showing images of different modes of transportation (e.g. plane, train, car, boat) and ask students to name them.

- Discuss with students the different ways people can travel and the benefits of each mode of transportation.

Presentation (15 minutes):

- Introduce new vocabulary words related to travel and transportation, such as "destination," "departure," "arrivals," "ticket," "boarding pass," etc.

- Use visual aids and examples to help students understand the meaning and usage of each word.

- Practice pronunciation of the new vocabulary words as a class.

Practice (20 minutes):

- Hand out the vocabulary handouts and have students work in pairs to match the words with their definitions.

- Review the answers as a class and provide feedback on any errors.

- Have students practice using the new vocabulary in sentences about travel plans.

Production (15 minutes):

- In pairs, have students write a short paragraph describing their dream vacation destination, including how they would get there and what they would do once they arrive.

- Encourage students to use as many new vocabulary words as possible in their paragraphs.

Wrap-Up (10 minutes):

- Have pairs of students role-play a conversation about their travel plans, using the vocabulary words they have learned.

- Provide feedback and corrections as needed.

- Review the key concepts and vocabulary words covered in the lesson.


- For homework, students will write a diary entry about a recent trip they took or a future trip they are planning. They should include details about the transportation they used, the activities they did, and their overall experience.

By following this lesson plan, students will have a better understanding of travel-related vocabulary and be able to effectively communicate about their travel plans.

英语8册第四课教案 篇二

Title: Lesson Plan for Grade 8 English Lesson Four


- Students will be able to identify and use vocabulary related to health and medicine.

- Students will be able to discuss common health problems and give advice on how to stay healthy.

- Students will be able to role-play a doctor-patient dialogue.

Materials Needed:

- PowerPoint presentation with images of common health problems

- Handouts with vocabulary words and phrases related to health and medicine

- Role-play cards for doctor-patient dialogue

- Whiteboard and markers for brainstorming activity

Warm-Up (10 minutes):

- Begin the lesson by asking students to brainstorm common health problems they have experienced or heard of.

- Write the health problems on the board and discuss possible causes and treatments for each.

Presentation (15 minutes):

- Introduce new vocabulary words related to health and medicine, such as "fever," "cough," "headache," "stomachache," "allergies," etc.

- Use visual aids and examples to help students understand the meaning and usage of each word.

- Practice pronunciation of the new vocabulary words as a class.

Practice (20 minutes):

- Hand out the vocabulary handouts and have students work in pairs to match the words with their definitions.

- Review the answers as a class and provide feedback on any errors.

- Have students practice using the new vocabulary in sentences about common health problems.

Production (15 minutes):

- Divide the class into pairs, with one student playing the role of a doctor and the other playing the role of a patient.

- Provide role-play cards with scenarios of different health problems for students to act out a doctor-patient dialogue.

- Encourage students to use the new vocabulary words and phrases in their dialogue.

Wrap-Up (10 minutes):

- Have pairs of students perform their doctor-patient dialogues in front of the class.

- Provide feedback and corrections as needed.

- Review the key concepts and vocabulary words covered in the lesson.


- For homework, students will write a short essay on the importance of staying healthy and ways to prevent common health problems. They should include advice on diet, exercise, and hygiene.

By following this lesson plan, students will have a better understanding of health-related vocabulary and be able to effectively communicate about common health problems and treatments.

英语8册第四课教案 篇三


课堂教学设计 2011年3月 课题 Lesson 4 总( 2 )课时第( 1 )课时 主备教师 林丽丽 使用教师 教学目标 知识目标 1能听懂、会说和拼写单词sun moon brighter stronger father 2能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型which is -er the -er? 能力目标 1能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语,of cause It’s The is the -est of the three. 2能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读,初步表演对话 情感态度与价值观 培养学生的竞争意识。 任务定位 教学重点 能正确地听、说、读写句型Which is .. er? The …or the… ? The… is -er?要求学生在创设情境中逐步听、说、读、写新词 汇,并能在句型中灵活地替换运用。 教学难点 句型 Of course !it’s than the is the est of the three 老师可以设计一些情境,帮助学生理解掌握。 教法学法 比较法 小组合作法 课程资源开发 课文挂图,文具盒,录音机,课文磁带 明星图片,飞机、火车、汽车的图片,大象、猫、猴子的图片。 太阳、月亮、地球的粘贴画。 教学过程设计 一热身 1师生之间,学生之间打招呼,复习 2教师出示文具盒与学生的文具盒比较 T my pencil box is bigger than yours .Yours is smaller than mine 学生接龙句子,复习所学知识 二新课呈现 chant 引入新课 T:Well Let’s do and chant is 一边总结刚才学生练习的句型,一边用投影 仪打出chant 的内容。 One two three Which is bigger? Elephant is bigger Which is shorter …‘s is shorter Which is taller? Which is faster? 三新课教学 A Try to use 1根据图片说 is than 学习stronger出示NBA明星奥尼尔与姚明的图片。 This is O’neill.this is YaoMing Which is taller o’neil or Yao Ming? Yao Ming is taller than o’neill.Yao Ming is taller But which is stronger O’ neill or Yao Ming? 2教学为stronger更强壮 3学说which is stronger o’ neill or Yan Ming ? O’neill is stroner than Yao Ming .O’ neill is stronger 板书 which is or ?stronger 4同法教授faster brighter 5学习巩固句型which is er the or the ? the 教师解释,当说话双方 清楚知道所比的对象时,可以不说than 6学生讨论Try to use 的图片,然后在书上写句子,同桌交流互相检查。 B learn to say 1 出示挂图,指屏幕上的太阳what is the in English ? 教sun 及其同音词 son ,同法教授moon earth 2出示太阳,月亮 地球图片。 Which is bigger the sun or the earth? Which is bigger the earth or the moon? 3听录音、模仿语音语调,跟读 4理解对话内容,讲解The sun is the biggest of the three. 5请学生朗读对话 6学生四人一组自由练习,表演对话。 四、巩固和延伸 1用elephant cat monkey stronger plane train car faster模仿课文编对 话。 2做活动用书上的练习。 作业 1听课文录音、朗读、表演对话 2用ligher faster shorter 造句。 板书设计 Lesson 4 sun moon brighter stronger f ather which is bigger, the earth or the moon? The earth is bigger. 教学反思 师生对话复习比较级的句子。 Chant引出新知,图片教学新单词stronger, faster, brighter.直观的图片让学生清楚明确的理解了单词的意思。游戏巩固句型which is _____,_____ or _____? 大部分同学能根据教师的汉语说出对应的句子,个别同学不能,还得加强学的单词的记忆。根据教学挂图,通过教师和基础比较好的学生一问一答的对话形式展示本课的对话,学生好的'同学起到了带头的作用,又明确了对话的意义。本课课文较简单,学习效果很好。后进生至少也能理解本课课文。 课堂教学设计 2011年 3 月 课题 Lesson 4 总( 2 )课时第( 2 )课时 主备教师 林丽丽 使用教师 教学目标 知识目标 1. 能听、说、读、写音标/ I:/,I /,/p/。 2.能进一步掌握句型:Which is…-er,the…or the…? 3.能读懂Read and think,理解大意,并能回答问题。 能力目标 会唱英语歌曲My hair is longer. 情感态度与价值观 培养学生合作意思。 任务定位 教学重点 认读/ I:/,I /,/p/发音。 教学难点 学生对Read and think的理解。 教法学法 小组合作法 听说法 课程资源开发 (1)录音机、课文磁带。 (2)音标卡片。 (3)一些含有/ I:/,I /,/p/音素的单词。 教学过程设计 一、热身 1.T(同学生打招呼):Good morning。Today is sunny。It’s brighter than yesterday。 It’s brighter。 Shall we slng a song first? 2.学唱My hair is longer。将歌词中的hair,feet替换成eyes,nose,mouth等,学生接龙唱,比比谁的应变力强,大家一齐对他说:You’re brighter。理解brighter,可译成更机灵、聪明。 3.单词对抗赛:T:Big ! Ss:Bigger ! T:Small ! Ss:Smaller!第二轮可请学生分组继续进行对抗赛。 4.学生之间互相比较文具用品,练习说句子:Which is…-er? 5.做活动用书中的听力练习。 二、新课教学 a。Listen and find the rhyme 1.出示音标/ I:/,I /,/p/,教师让学生听小诗录音,学生根据录音找出韵脚,学生在黑板上找出韵脚的音标。 2.游戏“mouth,hand,let’s go”教师出示一个单词让学生说出它所含有的音素,同时用大拇指与其他四指演示。看谁说得、做得又对又快。可用单词:see,this,is,lamp,teacher,apple,pen,map。 3.听录音,做个“淘金者”游戏——Gold Digger,找出与音标相同的音素的单词,小组合作,比一比哪一组淘到的金子最多。 b。Read and think 1.看图说一说故事大意。 2.看问题,理解意思。 3.读懂问

题.听课文录音。 4.跟读课文,找出文中答案,说一说。 5.学习pet ,diamond ,try to ,kept talking and laughing ,paw ,lip等单词。 6.教师引导学生根据课文提一些问题,学生回答。 三、巩固和延伸 1.出示形容词bright,strong,fast,thin,light。 原级 比较级 最高级 Bright stronger fast thinner 2.根据第1课中Learn to say的情况,结合Try to use中的句型编写对话。 作业建议 1.默写第4课的单词。 2.试着用含/ I:/,I /,/p/音素的单词各5个编一段话。 3. 读熟Read and think部分短文。 板书设计 Lesson 4 / I:/,I /,/p/ 教学反思 歌曲复习比较级。出示英标,请同学们听,找出韵脚。培养学生认读、听音标的能力。Read and think部分教师出示问题请同学们分组自学找答案,培养学生自学的能力,小组合作能力及解决问题的能力。

