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英语综合实践课教案-小小英语表演家 篇一

Title: Engaging Young Learners in English Performance


In today's fast-paced world, it is crucial for young learners to develop strong English language skills. One fun and effective way to achieve this is through engaging them in English performances. This teaching plan aims to guide educators in helping young learners become confident and expressive English performers.


1. To enhance students' English language proficiency through performance.

2. To boost students' confidence in using English.

3. To develop students' creativity and self-expression.

4. To foster a love for the English language and learning.

Materials Needed:

- English scripts for short skits or dialogues

- Props and costumes for performances

- Audiovisual equipment for recording and playback

- Evaluation rubric for assessing students' performances


1. Warm-up (10 minutes)

- Start the class with a fun English language game or song to energize students and set a positive atmosphere.

2. Introduction to Performance (15 minutes)

- Explain to students the importance of English performance in improving language skills and building confidence.

- Show examples of English performances, such as short skits or dialogues, to inspire students.

3. Script Selection (20 minutes)

- Divide students into small groups and provide them with English scripts for short performances.

- Allow students to choose or adapt scripts to suit their interests and abilities.

4. Rehearsal (30 minutes)

- Give students time to practice their scripts, focusing on pronunciation, intonation, and expression.

- Encourage students to use props and costumes to enhance their performances.

5. Performance Day (30 minutes)

- Have each group perform their skit or dialogue in front of the class.

- Record the performances for playback and evaluation.

- Provide feedback and praise to each group for their efforts.

6. Reflection and Discussion (15 minutes)

- Lead a discussion on the students' experiences and what they learned from the performance.

- Encourage students to reflect on their strengths and areas for improvement.


Engaging young learners in English performance not only helps them improve their language skills but also boosts their confidence and creativity. By incorporating performance activities into English classes, educators can create a dynamic and interactive learning environment that motivates students to excel in English.

英语综合实践课教案-小小英语表演家 篇二

Title: Nurturing Young English Performers


Engaging young learners in English performance activities is a fantastic way to enhance their language skills and boost their confidence. This teaching plan focuses on nurturing young English performers by providing them with opportunities to express themselves creatively and develop a love for the English language.


1. To encourage creativity and self-expression through English performance.

2. To improve students' English language proficiency through practice and feedback.

3. To build students' confidence in using English in public settings.

4. To instill a passion for learning English through fun and interactive activities.

Materials Needed:

- English scripts for role-plays, skits, or speeches

- Props, costumes, and other performance aids

- Audiovisual equipment for recording and playback

- Peer evaluation forms for feedback


1. Icebreaker Activity (10 minutes)

- Start the class with a short icebreaker activity to help students feel comfortable and engaged.

2. Introduction to Performance (15 minutes)

- Explain the importance of English performance in language learning and personal development.

- Showcase examples of English performances to inspire students.

3. Script Selection and Rehearsal (40 minutes)

- Assign students roles in short skits, role-plays, or speeches.

- Allow time for students to practice their scripts, focusing on pronunciation, intonation, and expression.

- Encourage students to use props and costumes to enhance their performances.

4. Performance Showcase (30 minutes)

- Have students perform their scripts in front of the class.

- Record the performances for playback and evaluation.

- Provide constructive feedback and praise to each student.

5. Reflection and Peer Evaluation (15 minutes)

- Lead a discussion on the students' performances and what they learned from the experience.

- Have students fill out peer evaluation forms to provide feedback to their classmates.

6. Follow-up Activities (10 minutes)

- Assign follow-up activities, such as writing reflections on the performance or creating a video diary of their English learning journey.


Nurturing young English performers through performance activities is a powerful way to enhance their language skills, boost their confidence, and foster a love for learning English. By providing opportunities for students to express themselves creatively and engage in fun and interactive activities, educators can inspire a new generation of confident and expressive English speakers.

英语综合实践课教案-小小英语表演家 篇三


活动名称:小小英语表演家 活动目的: 指导学生综合运用所学知识,自设情景,自编对话,激发其学习兴趣,培养学生自主探索。自主创造和运用语言交际的能力和创新精神,互相帮助和团结合作的精神。 活动内容分析: 学生经过二、三年多的英语学习,能进行一些简单的对话活动。但是,如何综合运用己学知识、用正确的语音、语调进行实践交际活动是学生学习英语过程中的重点、难点。因此,这课将通过活动重点解决这方面的问题。 活动准备:丰富的活动背景、单词图片、实物、玩具等。 活动要求: 人人参与,主动参与。自编对话合情合理,参与表演自然大方,语音、语调正确。 活动方法与顺序: 一、基本训练,创设语言氛围。(三分钟) 1、同学们相互问候。 2、 英语报数。 3、 唱英文歌。Head,shoulders,knees and toes 4、 师生相互问候。 二、复习旧知。(六分钟)老师说明活动要求:以小组为单位,以图片为内容进行自由交谈。 (注:这样的.设计力图在提高复习强度的同时冲破课堂的柬缚,让学生在轻松、自由的环境中主动参与到学习中去。) 三、轻松三分钟。(三分钟) 1、请语音、语调好的同学上台喊口令,其余学生听音做动作。如: Touch your nose/face/eye/. Stand up . Sit down …. 2、齐唱英文歌。Fly ,fly ,fly ,the butterfly.(注:惜助此环节形成生动活泼的氛围,激发学生学习兴趣,是他们在愉悦的情绪中进行下一环节的练习。) 四、自设情景,表演对话。(二十七分钟)老师交代活动的要求:每一组同学选择实物,或者看图所给情景(Go shopping,利用老师带来头饰或照片人物介绍朋友家人等等)请利用它们为道具,自己编情景对话。请按以下步骤进行: 1、Ora1 practice,(口头练习)(四分钟) 要求:口头讨论、练习,不动道具。 2、Choose the role,then practice.(六分钟) (角色实践) 要求:进行角色分配,再利用道具在原地自设情景,练习对话。 3、Say and do in the group, then choose 4 better groups.四个大组,八个小组。各小组在所属大组的表演区里表演对话,每个大组评出表演效果好的一组到全班展示。 4、Say and do in class.(全班展示)(九分钟) (1)全班展示。 (2)同学评价。 (注:在道具方面,我选用了学生熟悉、喜爱的玩具

、头饰用来扮演人物或角色。引导学生进行购物语言的运用和介绍家人,朋友。在表演中注重学生的自我评价,教师可了解学生的知识掌握情况,更能促使学生认真、主动参与这一活动,从而评价的结果是激发学生充分发展语言交际能力。) 五、教师对活动情况进行总结。(一分钟)拍照方法鼓励学生,激发学生学习的成就感,和学习兴趣。

