
时间:2016-02-01 07:11:22
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大班英语教案 篇一

Title: Fun with Colors - Big Class English Lesson Plan


- To introduce and reinforce the names of colors in English

- To practice listening, speaking, and matching skills

- To engage students in a fun and interactive learning experience


- Color flashcards or pictures

- Whiteboard and markers

- Small objects in various colors (e.g. toys, blocks)

- Colorful construction paper

- Glue

Warm-up (10 minutes):

- Begin the lesson by showing the students different color flashcards or pictures and asking them to name the colors in English.

- Play a quick game of "Simon Says" using color commands (e.g. "Simon says touch something red").

Introduction (10 minutes):

- Introduce the names of colors in English by showing the students the color flashcards or pictures. Repeat the names several times and have the students repeat after you.

Activity 1 - Color Matching (15 minutes):

- Divide the students into small groups and give each group a set of small objects in different colors.

- Call out a color in English and have the students find an object of that color.

- Encourage the students to say the name of the color as they find the object.

Activity 2 - Color Collage (20 minutes):

- Give each student a piece of colorful construction paper and a variety of colored objects.

- Have the students glue the objects onto the paper according to their colors.

- Encourage them to label each object with its color in English.

Wrap-up (5 minutes):

- Review the names of colors with the students by holding up the flashcards or pictures and having them say the names.

- Ask the students to share their color collages with the class and describe the colors they used.

Extension Activities:

- Play a game of "I Spy" using colors as clues.

- Sing a color-themed song or chant together as a class.


- Observe the students during the activities to assess their ability to recognize and name colors in English.

- Encourage participation and provide positive reinforcement for correct answers.

Overall, this lesson plan aims to make learning about colors in English interactive and engaging for big class students, helping them build vocabulary and language skills in a fun and creative way.


大班英语教案 篇二

Title: Let's Go on a Shape Hunt - Big Class English Lesson Plan


- To introduce and reinforce the names of shapes in English

- To practice listening, speaking, and observational skills

- To engage students in an active and hands-on learning experience


- Shape flashcards or pictures

- Whiteboard and markers

- Small objects in various shapes (e.g. blocks, toys)

- Shape stickers or stamps

- Drawing paper and crayons

Warm-up (10 minutes):

- Begin the lesson by reviewing the names of shapes in English with the students. Hold up a shape flashcard or picture and ask the students to name the shape.

Introduction (10 minutes):

- Introduce new shapes to the students by showing them the shape flashcards or pictures. Repeat the names several times and have the students repeat after you.

Activity 1 - Shape Hunt (15 minutes):

- Divide the students into pairs or small groups and give each group a set of shape flashcards or pictures.

- Have the students go on a shape hunt around the classroom, finding objects that match the shapes on their cards.

- Encourage them to say the names of the shapes as they find them.

Activity 2 - Shape Drawing (20 minutes):

- Give each student a piece of drawing paper and some crayons.

- Call out a shape in English and have the students draw that shape on their paper.

- Provide shape stickers or stamps for the students to decorate their drawings.

Wrap-up (5 minutes):

- Review the names of shapes with the students by holding up the flashcards or pictures and having them say the names.

- Ask the students to share their shape drawings with the class and describe the shapes they drew.

Extension Activities:

- Play a game of "Shape Bingo" using shape flashcards or pictures.

- Go on a shape scavenger hunt outside the classroom, looking for shapes in the environment.


- Observe the students during the activities to assess their ability to recognize and name shapes in English.

- Encourage participation and provide positive reinforcement for correct answers.

By incorporating hands-on activities and interactive games, this lesson plan aims to help big class students learn about shapes in English in a fun and engaging way, building their vocabulary and language skills through active participation and exploration.

大班英语教案 篇三



