必修2Unit 4 Wildlife Protection 教案

时间:2013-04-03 07:30:38
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(新人教版必修2)Unit 4 Wildlife Protection 教案(

Unit 4 Wildlife protection 4WildlifeProtection教案( TITLE=(新人教版必修2)Unit4WildlifeProtection Reading Wang Jun Teaching Aims: 1. Train the Ss’ reading and speaking ability. 2. Enable the Ss to know something about the endangered animals and wildlife situation and protection. 3. Help the Ss to realize the importance of wildlife protection and to protect the nature. Teaching key points and teaching difficulties: 1. Enable the Ss to know something about the endangered animals and wildlife situation and protection. 2. Help the Ss to realize the importance of wildlife protection and to protect the nature. 3. Help students to improve their reading skills and understand the passage fully. Teaching Procedures: Step1: Warming up 1.Greeting. 2.Draw the students’ attention to the topic today ------ wildlife protection. Ask the students to name some wild animals they know. 3.Show the students some pictures of wild animals and help them to learn the English names of some animals. 4.By the last picture, show the students a picture of panda. And ask the students: “Is it cute?”, “Do you want him to live long?” Then tell the students, “but they are dying out.” 5.Show the students some pictures of the bad situation of some animals. Ask them how they feel in seeing these pictures. Then the teacher makes a conclusion that no one feels happy to see the wild animals dying out and that we should do something to protect the wildlife. Step 2: pre-reading Connected warming-up, the teacher tells the students “Daisy thinks the same as us.” Then the teacher introduces Daisy briefly to the studnets. “She is a girl who is always concerned with wildlife protection and one day she got a flying carpet which can take her to anywhere she liked.” Ask : Where will Daisy go and what will she see? Let’s go with Daisy and see what will happen.. Step3: While-reading 1.Listen to the tape and find out the main idea of this passage. 2.Skimming Skim through the passage on Page 26 and answer the following questions. What places did Daisy go? A.Tibet China B. rain forest C. WWF D. Zimbabwe 2.How many animals did she meet? What are they? A. antelope B. elephant C. mosquitoes D. monkey 3.What helps Daisy meet the wildlife? A.By a flying chair B.By a flying broom(扫把) C.By a flying carpet 3. Scanning Scan through the passage and do the following true or false questions. 1).Daisy saw many antelopes in Tibet. 2).Daisy’s sweater was made of sheep wool. 3).Daisy felt sad when she heard the antelope was endangered. 4).The elephant used to be well protected in Zimbabwe. 5).In Zimbabwe, tourists love to see elephants. 6).The farmers in Zimbabwe get nothing from the elephants now. 7).This is a real story in Daisy’s life. 4. Intensive reading Read the passage paragraph by paragraph and do some relative exercises. Step4: Consolidation Ask the students the following questions: (1) What places did Daisy go? (2) What animals did she see? (3) What happened to these animals/ Then draw an outline of this passage. Step5: Discussion: Ss discusss in groups of four and make up a dialogue about wildlife protection,then

ask 2 or 3 groups to report. These questions will help you: 1.What kind of endangered animals are you most concerned about? 2.Why are they dying out? 3.What should we do to protect them? 4.What can we do to help the endangered animals? Step7: Homework 1.Review the passage on P26. 2.Finish the exercises on P27. 3.Review the new words and phrases of this unit, and we will have a dictation tomorrow. 更多精彩:英语教师网
必修2Unit 4 Wildlife Protection 教案

