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怎么写英语教案 篇一

Writing an English Lesson Plan

When it comes to writing an English lesson plan, there are a few key components that you should always keep in mind to ensure that your lesson is effective and engaging for your students. Here are some tips to help you create a successful English lesson plan:

1. Set clear objectives: Before you start planning your lesson, it's important to have a clear idea of what you want your students to learn by the end of the lesson. Set specific, measurable objectives that will guide your lesson planning process.

2. Choose engaging activities: One of the most important aspects of a successful English lesson plan is to choose activities that will keep your students engaged and interested. Incorporate a variety of activities such as games, group work, discussions, and multimedia resources to cater to different learning styles.

3. Include a variety of skills: A well-rounded English lesson plan should include activities that target all four language skills - reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Make sure to incorporate activities that give students the opportunity to practice and develop each of these skills.

4. Provide clear instructions: When designing activities for your lesson, make sure to provide clear and easy-to-understand instructions for your students. This will help them to stay focused and engaged throughout the lesson.

5. Allow for flexibility: While it's important to have a plan for your lesson, it's also important to be flexible and responsive to your students' needs. Be prepared to adapt your lesson plan based on the pace of the class, students' interests, and any unexpected challenges that may arise.

By following these tips, you can create an effective and engaging English lesson plan that will help your students learn and improve their language skills.

怎么写英语教案 篇二

Designing a Creative English Lesson Plan

Creating an English lesson plan that is not only effective but also creative can be a fun and rewarding process. By incorporating innovative and engaging activities into your lesson plan, you can help your students learn English in a way that is both enjoyable and effective. Here are some tips for designing a creative English lesson plan:

1. Start with a theme: One way to make your English lesson plan more creative is to start with a theme or topic that will inspire and engage your students. Whether it's a popular movie, a current event, or a piece of literature, choosing a theme can help you design activities that are relevant and interesting for your students.

2. Use multimedia resources: Incorporating multimedia resources such as videos, songs, and online games into your lesson plan can help make your lessons more interactive and engaging. These resources can also provide students with exposure to authentic language use and cultural context.

3. Include project-based learning: Project-based learning is a great way to encourage creativity and critical thinking skills in your students. Designing projects that require students to work collaboratively, think critically, and present their findings can help them develop a deeper understanding of the English language and its cultural context.

4. Incorporate technology: Using technology in your English lesson plan can help make your lessons more dynamic and engaging. Whether it's using online resources, interactive whiteboards, or educational apps, incorporating technology into your lesson plan can help keep your students motivated and focused.

5. Encourage creativity: Finally, don't be afraid to think outside the box and encourage your students to be creative in their language learning. Whether it's through creative writing exercises, role-plays, or art projects, providing opportunities for creativity can help your students develop their language skills in a fun and engaging way.

By following these tips, you can design a creative English lesson plan that will help your students learn English in a way that is both effective and enjoyable.

怎么写英语教案 篇三



教案(Teaching Plan)是教师施教的课时计划或方案,是帮助教师有效地进行素质教育教学的依据。教案可以帮助教师有计划、有步骤地进行素质教育教学,充分利用课堂教学时间,高质量地完成教学任务。教案写得如何将直接影响教学效果的好坏。因此,在日常教学中,广大教师都非常注重写教案。那么写教案时应写什么呢?

一、写课题(Topic)和课型(Lesson Type)

课题相当于文章的标题,讲课时要首先告诉学生,并写在黑板上。因此要写得准确。课型是指该节课的讲授类型。初中英语的主要课型有:新授课(New lesson)、巩固课(Reinforcement Lesson)、复习课(Revision Lesson)、语音课(Phonetic Lesson)、听力课(Listening Lesson)、听说课(Aural-Oral Lesson)、阅读课(Reading Lesson)、语法课(Grammar Lesson)等。不同的课型应用不同的授课方式或方法,只有确定了课型,才能


二、写教学目标(Teaching Objective)


三、写教学的重点(Main/focal Points)、难点(Difficult Points)和关键点(Key Points)


四、写教具(Teaching Tools)


五、写教学过程(Teaching Procedure)








七、写课堂小结(Summing-up on Teaching)


八、写板书设计(Blackboard Designs)Bbs



