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9A教案 篇一








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9A教案 篇三


泾河镇黄浦初中课时设计活页纸九年级教案活页纸 主备人:郭建超 审核人:顾惠芳 总课题 9A Unit 1 Star signs 总课时 10 第1 课时 课题 Welcome to the unit 课型 新授 教学目标 知识目标 1. To identify the symbols that represent the star signs 2. To learn the names of the symbols that represent the star signs 能力目标 To know about 12 different star signs 情感目标 Know about your characteristic and perfect yourselves 教学重点 Different star signs and symbols 教学难点 Different stars signs and symbols 课前预习 Preview the new words and phrases 教 学 过 程 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 备课札记 Step1 Warm-up 1. Ask students what animals they are in the Chinese horoscope. Ask them to describe the characteristics of that animal. For weaker classes, you can write the English names of the Chinese star signs on the board. Rat\Ox\Tiger\Rabbit\Dragon\Snake \Horse\Goat\Monkey\Rooster\Dog\Pig For the stronger Ss, encourage Ss to say the names directly. 2. Explain that western countries use a different system of star signs. Explain that the western star sign system is based Listen and think 12 animals in the Chinese Horoscope. Think and say out the stars they know 和学生一起复习中国的12生肖,引出西方的12星座 教 学 过 程 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 备课札记 on the month you were born in, rather than the year you were born in. Step 3. Welcome to the unit 1. Explain to students that each picture in Part A represents a star sign. Ask them to complete Part A, then discuss the answers as a class. Students who have made mistakes in this section will benefit from correcting their answers before proceeding to the Reading section, then read the star signs well. 2. Ask students to complete Part B. Explain that there are 12 star signs in total---- those in Part A and those in Part B. Each star sign represents a period of time in a year. 3. Ask students whether they know what their star sign is. Encourage them to say the name of their star sign aloud. Step 4. Comic strips 1.Have a listening , then make sure what Eddie and Hobo discuss in the unit 2. Grasp the expressions in the unit , Eg It is nice of you to bring me the newspaper, Worry about 3. Read the paragraph below the pictures and know about The topic of this unit. Look at the pictures , learn new words and remember them Listen and answer what they are discussing in the dialogue 认识星座的符号以及英文说法,对照 月份定自己的星座 让学生认识到中西方的文化差异 让学生认识到本单元的主题是有关星座 泾河镇黄浦初中课时设计活页纸九年级教案活页纸 主备人:郭建超 审核人:顾惠芳 总课题 9A Unit 1 Star signs 总课时 10 第2课时 课题 Reading (A) 课型 新授 教学目标 知识目标 1. To understand what star signs are and what they represent 2. To recognize and understand vocabulary about characteristics 3. To use adjectives to describe someone’s characteristics 能力目标 To develop the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. 情感目标 Know about your own star signs and perfect your characteristic. 教学重点 To introduce more information about star signs 教学难点 To say out your star sign and describe your characteristic to everyone 课前预习 To get as much information about star signs as possible 教 学 过 程 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 备课札记 Step 1.Warm-up 1. revise the star signs in Period 1 , ask the Ss to say out fluently. 2. Ask the new words used to describe one’s characteristic in Period 2, check the Ss if they have previewed before this class, such as: energetic active impatient Selfish stubborn outgoing\ easygoing confident modest Listen to their teacher and try to spell out the star signs as much as possible Recall the adjs to describe the characteristic 和同学们一起复习有关星座的知识为本课做铺垫 提问表人的`形容词,一方面检查学生的预习 教 学 过 程 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 备课札记 practical elegant, silly businesslike, etc. Step 2 Presentation Brainstorm the vocabulary that is used to describe people’s characteristics. Encourage students to explain each word to their classmates. Step3.Reading 1. Read the passage aloud to students. Ask them to listen carefully to you and follow the text on page 4 and 5. 2. Ask one student at a time to read a paragraph. After each paragraph, ask students to say which part of the text they do not understand. Less able students may find some of the names of the star signs difficult. If so, do not force them to learn them by heart because they are only used here to arouse students’ interest. It is more important for them to learn the adjectives that describe people’s characteristics. This will enable them to complete the Main Task at the end of the unit. 3. Ask some questions to check understanding. (1) How is a year pided (2) what decides your star signs (3) what character do the people born in 21st-20 Apr have (4) what characters do the people born in other time periods have Based on these questions to be more familiar with the adjs that are used to describe one’s chact

eristics 3. Read again, then finish the exercises in C1 Step 4 Listening After the Ss have known sth about the text, play the tape for the Ss to listen, let them try to understand it. 同时和学生一起步新课 Spell out the new words and try to be familiar with the words. Read the text after the teacher, and have a general impression about it , then read it carefully grasp the details about it .do some exercises to check its comprehension 遵循学生的思维规律,层层深入,同时注意阅读课的要旨是强调阅读,真正地达到提高学生的阅读能力. 泾河镇黄浦初中课时设计活页纸九年级教案活页纸 主备人:郭建超 审核人:顾惠芳 总课题 9A Unit 1 Star signs 总课时 10 第3课时 课题 Reading (B.C.D) 课型 新授 教学目标 知识目标 1.To recognize and understand vocabulary about characteristics 2. To use adjectives to describe one’s characteristics 3.Grasp and use the expressions in it. 能力目标 Describe others’ characteristic using the Adjs they learned 情感目标 Know about your own star signs and perfect your characteristic. 教学重点 Use the phrases and expressions fluently. 教学难点 Describe one person using the adjs they learned 课前预习 the addings of positive to negative 教 学 过 程 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 备课札记 Step1.Revision 1. Before doing Part B, revise adjectives used to describe characteristics. Ask students to describe their classmates. 2. Ask less able students to work in pairs. Tell them to skip the ones they are not sure about and do the easier ones first. Step2 Consolidation Part B. Remind Ss that the vocabulary listed in Part B appears in the text. If Ss are not sure what a word means, it may help them to read the words in context on those pages, then choose the correct definitions. Check answers in class. Ask the Ss to understand them indeed Think of the adjs that describe one’s character and try to describe their classmates Finish the exercises in Part1 and check with teacher. 本课的重点是描写人的形容词,所以先和学生简单的复习一下,为本课的作业及口头介绍作准备. 教 学 过 程 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 备课札记 Part C 1. Review key vocabulary learnt in the reading passage. Ask more a

