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新目标英语八年级上册第一单元第1-2课时教案 篇一

Title: Lesson Plan for Unit 1, Lessons 1-2 of New Target English Eighth Grade

Lesson Objectives:

1. Students will be able to introduce themselves and others using appropriate greetings and expressions.

2. Students will be able to ask and answer questions about personal information such as name, age, and nationality.


- PowerPoint slides with greetings and expressions

- Flashcards with vocabulary words

- Worksheets with conversation practice exercises

- Audio recordings for listening comprehension


Begin the lesson by playing a short audio recording of greetings in English. Have students repeat the greetings and practice pronunciation.


Introduce the vocabulary words for greetings and expressions using flashcards. Practice pronunciation and have students repeat after you.


Show PowerPoint slides with examples of how to introduce oneself and others. Model the conversations and have students practice with a partner.


Divide the class into pairs and have them practice asking and answering questions about personal information such as name, age, and nationality. Walk around the class to monitor and provide assistance as needed.


Play an audio recording of a conversation between two people introducing themselves. Have students listen and answer comprehension questions.


Review the key vocabulary and expressions learned in the lesson. Ask students to share one thing they learned today about introducing themselves in English.


Assign students to write a short paragraph introducing themselves in English. Encourage them to use the vocabulary and expressions learned in class.


Assess student participation during pair work activities, listening comprehension, and completion of homework assignments.

By following this lesson plan, students will be able to confidently introduce themselves and others while practicing their English speaking and listening skills.

新目标英语八年级上册第一单元第1-2课时教案 篇二

Title: Activities for Unit 1, Lessons 1-2 of New Target English Eighth Grade


In this lesson, students will engage in a variety of activities to practice introducing themselves and others in English. These activities will help reinforce vocabulary and expressions learned in class.

Activity 1: Role-Play

Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a scenario to act out. For example, one group can pretend to be at a party and introduce themselves to each other. Encourage students to use the vocabulary and expressions learned in class.

Activity 2: Guess Who

Give each student a slip of paper with a different famous person's name written on it. Students will mingle with their classmates and ask questions to guess who they are pretending to be. This activity encourages students to practice asking and answering questions about personal information.

Activity 3: Interview

Pair up students and have them take turns interviewing each other. One student will ask questions about the other's personal information, while the other student will answer. After a few minutes, have students switch roles.

Activity 4: Vocabulary Match

Prepare a set of flashcards with vocabulary words related to introductions. Have students work in pairs to match the vocabulary words with their corresponding definitions. This activity helps reinforce the new words learned in class.

Activity 5: Presentation

Assign students to prepare a short presentation introducing themselves in English. Encourage them to include details such as name, age, nationality, and hobbies. This activity allows students to practice speaking in front of their classmates and showcase their language skills.


By engaging in these activities, students will have the opportunity to practice introducing themselves and others in English in a fun and interactive way. These activities will help reinforce the vocabulary and expressions learned in class while building students' confidence in using English for communication.

新目标英语八年级上册第一单元第1-2课时教案 篇三


How often do you exercise?教案 周村区实验中学 韩俊玲   第一课时   教学目标    1.熟练运用How often引导的特殊疑问句。    2.熟练掌握频度副词的用法。    3.能够描述自己和他人的日常生活。   教学过程   一,自由对话。   请几组同学围绕“What do you usually do on weekends?”“How often do you…?” 做对话练习。此环节主要是复习前面句型。   二,师生互动和二人小组活动。   借助图片复习词汇junk food ,milk ,fruit, vegetables, exercise, watch TV, read books, play basketball等等。教师与一学生做活动示范:    -——How often do you drink milk?    ——I drink milk every day.    ____Do you like it?    ____Yes, it’s good for my healthy.   学生二人一组,选用上面词汇自由问答 .然后请几组同学为全班表演。   三,听力训练。   听录音,圈出你的答案和填空。2a和2b。   四,现场采访。   学生两人一组,一人扮记者,一人扮Katrina或Bill,进行问答。    ——How often do you exercise?    ——I exercise every day.    ____And how often do you eat fruit?    ____I eat fruit….   请几组同学到前面表演。   五,阅读训练。   阅读Katrina 给笔友的信,回答5个问题。教师重点讲解下列词汇:    eating habits try to do of course look after make a big difference grade   六,写作训练   读Paul 的信,模仿3a的内容填空。   七,调查报告。   让学生4人一组完成95页的Additional material for Unit 8。学生互相询问同伴的生活习惯,并做好记录。   八,作业   根据3a和3b 提供的`材料和模式,以My eating habits为题写一篇小作文。   第二课时   教学目标    1,掌握5个动词help make want exercise try 的用法。    2,能够想象和描述他人的日常生活。    3,能够给自己安排健康合理的日常生活方式。   教学步骤   一、复习检查   几个同学口头讲述自己的生活习惯,其他同学评出“Who is the healthiest?。此环节是复习和检查上节课的作业。   二、词汇学习   让学生结合语境选词填空并造句,掌握 help make want exercise try的用法。   三、猜名人   两人一组。确定一位中国名人,想象一下他每天做的事,口头描述一下,让对方猜测你说的是谁。注意用上某些频度副词。   四、思考与讨论    4人小组讨论一下How to be healthy?或What is a healthy lifestyle?,把讨论的结果记录下来。   五、作业    1、给自己制定一个健康的日常生活计划。    2、调查一位名人的日常生活习惯并写下


