牛津高中英语模块一Unit 1 School life全部教案1-6)【精选3篇】

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牛津高中英语模块一Unit 1 School life全部教案1-6) 篇一

Unit 1 School life is an important module in the Oxford High School English curriculum, covering various aspects of school life and providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the topic. The unit consists of six lessons, each focusing on different aspects of school life, such as school facilities, school rules, and extracurricular activities.

In lesson 1, students learn about the different parts of a school, such as the library, gym, and cafeteria. They also learn how to describe the location of these places using prepositions of place. This lesson helps students build their vocabulary related to school facilities and improve their ability to give directions.

Lesson 2 focuses on school rules and regulations. Students learn about the importance of following rules at school and the consequences of breaking them. They also practice using modal verbs to talk about rules and obligations. This lesson helps students understand the importance of discipline and respect in a school environment.

Lesson 3 introduces students to the concept of school subjects and schedules. They learn about different subjects they can study at school and how to talk about their daily routine. Students also practice talking about their favorite subjects and extracurricular activities. This lesson helps students expand their vocabulary related to school subjects and develop their speaking skills.

In lesson 4, students learn about school events and traditions. They learn how to talk about school events like sports day, talent show, and graduation ceremony. Students also practice using present continuous tense to talk about future plans and activities. This lesson helps students understand the importance of school spirit and participation in school events.

Lesson 5 focuses on school clubs and organizations. Students learn about different clubs they can join at school, such as debate club, music club, and environmental club. They also practice talking about their interests and hobbies. This lesson helps students explore their interests and develop their social skills.

In lesson 6, students learn about school trips and excursions. They learn how to talk about past experiences and share their memories of school trips. Students also practice using past simple tense to talk about past events. This lesson helps students reflect on their experiences and develop their storytelling skills.

Overall, Unit 1 School life provides students with a comprehensive understanding of school life and helps them develop their vocabulary, grammar, and speaking skills. By completing the six lessons, students will be able to talk confidently about their school life and experiences.

牛津高中英语模块一Unit 1 School life全部教案1-6) 篇二

Unit 1 School life is a crucial module in the Oxford High School English curriculum, focusing on various aspects of school life and providing students with a well-rounded education on the topic. The unit consists of six lessons, each designed to help students understand and engage with different aspects of school life, such as school facilities, rules, extracurricular activities, events, clubs, and trips.

Lesson 1 introduces students to the different parts of a school, such as the library, gym, and cafeteria. Students learn how to describe the location of these places using prepositions of place, helping them build their vocabulary and improve their ability to give directions. This lesson also encourages students to explore their school environment and become familiar with the different facilities available to them.

In lesson 2, students learn about the importance of following school rules and regulations. They learn about the consequences of breaking rules and practice using modal verbs to talk about rules and obligations. This lesson helps students understand the importance of discipline and respect in a school setting, preparing them to be responsible members of their school community.

Lesson 3 focuses on school subjects and schedules. Students learn about different subjects they can study at school and practice talking about their daily routine. They also discuss their favorite subjects and extracurricular activities, helping them expand their vocabulary and develop their speaking skills. This lesson encourages students to explore their academic interests and engage with their school curriculum.

In lesson 4, students learn about school events and traditions. They learn how to talk about school events like sports day, talent show, and graduation ceremony, using present continuous tense to talk about future plans and activities. This lesson helps students understand the importance of school spirit and participation in school events, fostering a sense of community and belonging among students.

Lesson 5 introduces students to school clubs and organizations. They learn about different clubs they can join at school and practice talking about their interests and hobbies. This lesson encourages students to explore their passions and develop their social skills, helping them connect with like-minded peers and engage in extracurricular activities.

In lesson 6, students learn about school trips and excursions. They learn how to talk about past experiences and share their memories of school trips, using past simple tense to talk about past events. This lesson helps students reflect on their experiences and develop their storytelling skills, encouraging them to appreciate the opportunities for learning and growth that school trips provide.

Overall, Unit 1 School life provides students with a comprehensive understanding of school life and helps them develop their vocabulary, grammar, and speaking skills. By completing the six lessons, students will be able to confidently navigate their school environment, participate in school activities, and engage with their peers and teachers.

牛津高中英语模块一Unit 1 School life全部教案1-6) 篇三

牛津高中英语模块一Unit 1 School life全部教案(1-6)

Unit 1 School life Teaching aims of the whole unit: 1. Develop students’ ability of reading comprehension by reading an article about school life in the UK and two other articles about school clubs. 2. Develop students’ ability of listening comprehension by listening to two talks about school activities. 3. Develop students’ speaking ability by discussing daily school life and reporting school activities. 4. Develop students’ writing ability by writing a notice about school activities. 5. Develop students’ integrated skills of using English by making a poster for a school club. 6. Enlarge students’ vocabulary about school facilities. 7 Help students understand what an attributive clause is and what relative words function as in attributive clauses; teach students how to use relative pronouns that, which, who, whom and whose. Period arrangement: The whole unit: 12 periods Welcome to the unit: 1 period Reading: 2 periods Word power: 1 period Grammar and usage: 2 periods Task: 2 periods Project: 2 periods Self-assessment: 1 period Revision and exercises: 1 period Period 1 Welcome to the unit I. Teaching aims: 1 Get students to know the different high school loves between the UK and China. 2 Develop students’ English speaking skills. II. Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Warming up Let some students make a self-introduction. 1. Introduce themselves. 2. Say something about their junior high school life. 3. Pair work: brain storm: When we are talking about our school life, what will we probably think of? What words or phrases will we use to describe our school life? Step 2 Presentation 1. Say the following to students: It’s the beginning of the new term. You’ve just finished your junior high and are about to enter a new period in your studies. I am hap

py to give your lessons and I hope we can be friends. I can see that some of your are eager to know what studying at senior high will be like. Will it be differ4ent from junior high? Well, there are certainly many differences between junior high and senior high, but there are also some things that are the same in every school in China. What about schools in other countries? Do you have different experiences? Are schools all over the world the same? This is the subject of our first unit. 2. Ask students to read the instruction and tell them: Here are three pictures that show some aspects of school life in the UK. Please read the instructions, look at the pictures: whats the difference between schools in China and the UK? Step 3 Discussion 1 Ask students the following questions to talk about the words in the four pictures: Huge campus and low-rise buildings What does huge mean? What does low-rise mean? What about campus and school buildings in China? (Schools in China usually have a large enough campus to make sure students have enough space to study and play. But most school buildings have at least 3 storeys.) Lockers for every student Do you know what a locker is? (There are rows of lockers by the classrooms for students to put their bookd, exercise-books and other belongings.) What do you think about locker for students? Do you think that we should have such locker in our school? Why or Why not? Fewer students in each class How many students are there in our class? Do you know the number of students in a class in the UK? At ease with our teacher What can we know from this picture? What does the word ease mean? What do you think the phrase at ease mean? Were you getting on well with the teacher when you were in junior high? What relationship do you want to have with your teachers in senior high? 2 Ask students to work in groups to talk about the four pictures and the differences between schools in the UK and China. Then ask several students to report their discussion to the whole class. aspects In the UK In China Huge campus and low-rise buildings We can see huge campus and low-rise buildings. It is the biggest difference from schools in China Schools in China usually have a large enough campus to make sure students have enough space to study and play in. But most school buildings are taller, at least three storeys. Lockers for every student There are rows of lockers by the classrooms for students to put their stationary, books, exercise-books and other belongings. Students bring what they need for lessons to school and then take it all back home after school. Most schools in china do not have equipment in the classroom. Fewer students in each class There are fewer students in a class, no more than 30 per class. There are usually more students in high school, perhaps 40 to 50 per class. Recently some schools are beginning to limit the number of students in each class. At ease with our teacher Students have a close relationship with their teachers. They feel at ease and comfortable with them. It is similar in china. Nowadays, lots of teachers and students have established a good relationship with each other. They respect each other and work to gain a better understanding of each other. 3. Ask students to discuss the three questions in pairs, and them ask some of them to report their answers to the questions to the whole class. What is your dream school life like? What kind of school activities do you enjoy? What do you think of your life here in the new school? Step 4 Summary and Homework Today we’ve mainly talked about the differences between the high school lives in the UK and in China. After class you should: 1) Recall all the new words and expressions that we learn in this lesson. 2) Find more about any other differences between the high school lives in the UK and in China, either by surf the Internet or by reading some articles in newspapers or magazines. 3) Preview the following part: reading (page 2 to page 4). Period 2 Reading (1) School life in the UK Teaching aims: 1. Get students to know what school life is like in a high school in the UK. 2. Develop students’ ability of reading comprehension through: 1) skimming and scanning. 2) Guessing the meanings of some new words from the context 3. To learn some expressions about school life. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in and Presentation Say the following to the students: Yesterday we’ve talked about the differences between the high school lives in the UK and in China. We know well about the high school lives in China, because we are Chinese. But we know a little about the high school lives in the UK. Yeah? Today we are going to read a magazine article which is written by an exchanging student. She has been studying in the UK for one year. Now she gives a clear brief introduction about her school life there.(Bb: School life in the UK) Before we read the article, we are going to learn the reading strategy: skimming and scanning. Please look at page 3: Reading strategy. (Bb the following while learning the reading strategy. ) Skimming: to get a general idea of the article, without studying it in detail. Focus on the titles, headings, the first and last sentences or paragraphs, charts and pictures … scanning: to find certain information in an article quickly. Look for key words and phrases, dates and numbers, etc. Step 2. Reading 1. Skimming: Question: How does Wei Hua feel about her life in the UK? 2. Scanning: 1) Ask students to go through the three questions in part A and make sure that each of them know the meaning of each question.(A Woodwork class is a class in which students make something from wood.) Ask students to read the passage as quickly as possible and try to find answers to the three questions. Remind students only to focus on and identify the most important information. 2) Ask student to reread the passage and complete Part C1 inpidually. Then ask some of them to give the answers to the questions in Part C1
牛津高中英语模块一Unit 1 School life全部教案1-6)【精选3篇】

