
时间:2012-08-02 02:20:42
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Lesson Design Angry? No Worry! Lesson type: Reading Duration: 40 mins Teaching ideology l Task-based and communicative theory. l Students centered Teaching material and learning condition Ⅰ. Analysis of the original reading material: The reading passage focuses on how we can manage anger. The writer analyzes what anger is, what effects it will have on others and ourselves and then gives suggestions on how to manage our anger properly. The original material has 9 paragraphs and 820 words, which is apparently too long for Grade Two students. Meanwhile, it involves many words and expressions which are beyond the level of Grade Two students. Ⅱ. Analysis of the students’ learning condition Anger is a common topic closely related to everyone’s life. As Grade Two students, they must have gone through experiences in which they became angry. So the topic itself is nothing strange to the students. What the teacher should focus on in this reading class is to cultivate the students’ reading ability and skills such as predicting, skimming, scanning and generalizing. Ⅲ. Rearrange of the reading material: Based on the analysis above, the teacher rearranges the original material and makes it suitable for Grade Two students. The main rearrangement can be seen in the following table. What How Why Topic Add a topic to the reading: “Angry? No worry!” With such a topic, the teacher can get the students to think: What will the passage talk about? Thus, students’ reading skill of predicting according to the title can be effectively trained. Pre-reading Add “Warming Up” By talking about the pictures, the teacher can activate the students’ interest and lead into the topic. Add “Pre-reading” Change the content of paragraph2 from the original reading into a questionnaire and get the students to check whether they fit into anyone of them and get prepared for the reading. reading Combine the 9 paragraphs into 7 paragraphs and miss out the topic sentences in para3-6. As Grade Two students, they are very familiar with topic sentences. To make it a bit more challenging, the teacher leaves out the topic sentences in para3-6 and asks the students to match the given sentences with the right paragraphs. Naturally, this step can train the students’ ability of generalizing. Replace some of the difficult expressions but some of the new words whose meanings can be guessed through content, the structure of a sentence or word formation remain. Considering the students’ le

vel, some of the difficult expressions are either crossed out or replaced, such as grudge, decipher, endure, etc. But by guessing the meanings of “overreacting, hostile, rage, frequently, undoubtedly”, the students’ guessing ability is trained. vocabulary Provide a vocabulary list. Remove the students’ obstacles in vocabulary and help them understand the reading material. comprehending Design several questions based on the reading material. Help the students to understand the material and apply the target language into similar situations. Learning About Language A series of exercises about vocabulary, sentences and filling in the blanks. Get the students to pay attention to an effective way of enlarging vocabulary —word formation. Have a further understanding of the material and apply the target language. Learning objectives Ⅰ. Knowledge l Can grasp expressions such as explode, hostile, stress, rage, overreacting, triggers, distinguish, features, response, positive, critical, hopefully, and lose control of. l Know about word formation. l Understand some difficult sentences which are listed in Comprehending Exercise Ⅲ. Ⅱ. Skills l Can predict the content according to the title. l Can skim and scan for general ideas and detailed information with the help of hints such as to begin with, next, more to come and finally. l Can predict new words according to content, the structure of a sentence or word formation. l Can extract, sift and reorganize the information from the reading and present them in the forms of story telling and discussion. Ⅲ. Learning strategy l Can induce and reorganize the language from the reading and apply them in story telling and discussion. l Can predict the content according to the title and predict new words according to content, structure or word formation. l Can get involved in the class and use English to communicate. Ⅳ. Affects and Cultural awareness Ss will know more what anger is and the bad effects coming with it. After the class, they will learn how to manage their mood positively. Language focus and anticipated difficulties Language focus: l Predicting, skimming, scanning, story telling and discussing. l Target language listed in Knowledge Objective. l Using target language to talk about the experience of getting angry and how they will deal with anger after learning the passage. Anticipated difficulties: l Generalize the main ideas of para3-6 and fill in the topic sentences. l Understand the meaning of trigger in the passage. l Apply the target language. Teaching method l Three-stage model (pre-reading, while-reading, and post-reading) l Task-based learning and communicative theory Teaching aids: Multi-media devices, PPT documents. Teaching procedures Lead in: Free Talk about the mood. (4mins) (inpidual work) Teacher shows a group of pictures and asks the students: l What kind of mood do the pictures tell? l Have you experienced similar mood? What makes you happy or angry? Do you get angry frequently? Let’s do a questionnaire in pairs. (pair work) Questionnaire Yes No 1. Do you find yourself pouting1 often? 2. Do you lose control of yourself in times of anger? 3. Does your anger scare others or yourself? 4. Do you get angry frequently? After the students’ pair work, the teacher chooses 2 students to report the questionnaire, and collect how they react in time of anger by asking the question “What will you do if you are angry?” [Purposes] The teacher adopts vivid pictures to attract the students’ attention and activate the atmosphere of the class. Through the task, the teacher can get the students to talk about common moods. In this way, the teacher can lead in the topic naturally and remove some vocabulary obstacles such as mood, pout, frequently and react. By collecting how they react in time of danger, the teacher can make a contrast of how the students react to anger before and after class. 2. Predicting: (3mins) (inpidual work) Ask the students to look at the title. l What do you think the passage is going to tell us? l What bad effects do you think will come with anger? [Purposes] Ss may come up with different answers and are required to write down their predictions, although they may not get the right answer during the process, they will concentrate more on the text and become eager to know the answers and get mentally prepared for skimming and scanning. Meanwhile they learn the reading strategy of predicting according to the title. 3. Skimming: (4 mins)(inpidual work) Skim the passage to answer the following questions. l What does the writer compare anger to? l How many suggestions does the writer give? l Can you fill in the missing sentences for para3-6? One of the following is additional. A. figure out how to change these patterns and reactions. B. learn to take your focus off the cause and put it on something positive. C. listen to music and calm yourself down. D. determine the roots of your anger. E. analyze what is triggering your anger. Expected answer: D E A B [Purp

