
时间:2014-04-03 07:50:15
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外贸住店退房英语对话 篇一

Title: Checking Out of an International Trade Hotel

A: Good morning! I would like to check out of my room, please.

B: Good morning! Sure, could you please provide me with your room number and your name?

A: My room number is 705, and my name is John Smith.

B: Thank you, Mr. Smith. Just give me a moment to check your bill. Did you use any of the hotel services during your stay?

A: Yes, I had breakfast at the hotel restaurant, and I also used the fitness center.

B: Alright, let me add these charges to your bill. Anything else?

A: No, that's all.

B: Great. Your total bill comes to $350. Will you be paying with cash or card?

A: I will pay with my credit card, please.

B: Alright, please insert your card into the machine and enter your PIN.

A: (Inserts card and enters PIN)

B: Thank you, Mr. Smith. Your payment has been processed. Here is your receipt. Is there anything else I can assist you with?

A: No, I think that's all. Thank you.

B: You're welcome, Mr. Smith. Have a safe journey and we hope to see you again soon!

外贸住店退房英语对话 篇二

Title: Settling the Bill at an International Trade Hotel

A: Excuse me, I would like to check out of my room.

B: Of course, sir. May I have your room number and name, please?

A: My room number is 502, and my name is Maria Rodriguez.

B: Thank you, Ms. Rodriguez. Let me check your bill. Did you make use of any hotel services during your stay?

A: Yes, I had dinner at the hotel restaurant and I also used the laundry service.

B: Alright, let me add those charges to your bill. Is there anything else I need to include?

A: No, that's all.

B: Alright. Your total bill comes to $450. How would you like to settle the payment, cash or card?

A: I will pay with cash, please.

B: Alright, let me calculate your change. Here is your receipt and your change of $50. Is there anything else I can assist you with?

A: No, I think that's everything. Thank you.

B: You're welcome, Ms. Rodriguez. Have a safe journey and we hope to welcome you back in the future!

(Note: The names and room numbers used in the dialogues are for illustrative purposes only and do not represent actual guests or hotel information.)

外贸住店退房英语对话 篇三


  A: Good morning.sir. What can I do for you?


  B: I'm leaving at ten.so l'd like to settle my account now


  A: Yes.sir. May I have your room number?


  B: Room 618.and the name is John Hamilton.

  B: 618号房,名字是约翰·汉密尔顿。

  A: Right. How would you like to make payment?


  B: On the company account.please.


  A: May I know the name of your company.please ?


  B; Yes.it's G. M.America.


  A: May I have two of your business cards.please?


  B: Why?


  A: We'd like one for your file and one for accounts.


  B:I see. Here you are.


  A:Please just wait a 'moment. I'll get

your bill ready for you right away.




  A:Have you used your min-bar since breakfast ?


  B:No.I haven't.


  A:Very good.sir. Here is your bill. Please check and sign here.


  B:ok. Excuse me.what's this charge here?


  A:That's for the breakfast you ordered from the room service。


  B:Oh,yes.lt's on Wednesday morning.l almost forgot. Sorry about that.


  A: That is all right. Have a nice trip


  B: Thank you.



