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闽教版小学英语四年级上册教案 篇一

Unit 1 My New Teacher

Teaching Objectives:

1. Students will be able to greet and introduce themselves in English.

2. Students will be able to recognize and pronounce the words related to school subjects.

3. Students will be able to use the sentence pattern "What's your favorite subject?" and respond with different school subjects.

Teaching Procedures:

1. Greetings and Warm-up (10 minutes)

- Greet the students and sing a welcome song together.

- Review the greetings "Hello" and "Goodbye" with the students.

- Play a game where students practice saying their names and asking each other "What's your name?"

2. Introduction of New Vocabulary (15 minutes)

- Introduce the new words related to school subjects: English, Math, Science, Chinese, P.E., Art, Music.

- Use flashcards and real objects to help students understand and remember the words.

- Practice pronunciation of the new words with the whole class.

3. Listening and Speaking Practice (20 minutes)

- Play a recording of the school subjects and have students repeat after the audio.

- Use pictures or flashcards to ask students "What's this?" and have them respond with the correct school subject.

- Pair students up and have them ask and answer the question "What's your favorite subject?"

4. Reading and Writing Activities (15 minutes)

- Distribute worksheets with sentences using the new vocabulary.

- Have students read the sentences and match them with the correct school subject.

- Ask students to write a sentence about their favorite subject using the sentence pattern "My favorite subject is _______."

5. Review and Homework (10 minutes)

- Review the new vocabulary and sentence patterns with the class.

- Assign homework for students to practice writing and saying the new words and sentences at home.


Students will be evaluated based on their ability to correctly pronounce the new vocabulary, use the sentence pattern "What's your favorite subject?" in conversations, and write a simple sentence about their favorite subject.

闽教版小学英语四年级上册教案 篇二

Unit 2 My Family

Teaching Objectives:

1. Students will be able to describe their family members in English.

2. Students will be able to recognize and pronounce the words related to family members.

3. Students will be able to use the sentence pattern "This is my _______" to introduce their family members.

Teaching Procedures:

1. Greetings and Warm-up (10 minutes)

- Greet the students and review the greetings "Hello" and "Goodbye."

- Sing a song about family members to introduce the topic of the lesson.

- Play a game where students practice saying the names of family members in English.

2. Introduction of New Vocabulary (15 minutes)

- Introduce the new words related to family members: father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt.

- Use pictures or flashcards to help students understand and remember the words.

- Practice pronunciation of the new words with the whole class.

3. Listening and Speaking Practice (20 minutes)

- Play a recording of the family members' names and have students repeat after the audio.

- Use pictures of family members and ask students "Who is this?" to practice identifying the different family members.

- Pair students up and have them introduce their family members to each other using the sentence pattern "This is my _______."

4. Reading and Writing Activities (15 minutes)

- Distribute worksheets with sentences using the new vocabulary.

- Have students read the sentences and match them with the correct family member.

- Ask students to write a short paragraph about their family, using the sentence pattern "This is my _______."

5. Review and Homework (10 minutes)

- Review the new vocabulary and sentence patterns with the class.

- Assign homework for students to practice writing and saying the names of family members at home.


Students will be evaluated based on their ability to correctly pronounce the new vocabulary, use the sentence pattern "This is my _______" to introduce their family members, and write a short paragraph about their family using the new words.

闽教版小学英语四年级上册教案 篇三


  Make and play






  Using attributive adjectives to show quantities


  scissor, glue, felt pens



  1. Say the rhyme

  2. Sing a song

  3. Daily talk


  1. What have you got? I?ve got some…

  2. Review the food items using the picture cards. Use realia to review: doll, toy car and rubber. Write: the supermarket, the toy shop, the bookshop on the board. Invite students to give you names of objects you can buy each shop and have them list on the board.


  1. Distribute a copy of Photocopiable page 32 to each pair of students. Have the students cut out the small pictures at the top of the page and put the relevant objects in the right shop

  2. Invite pairs of students to report back, e.g. We?ve got… in the supermarket / toy shop / bookshop. Allow students to put some objects in different objects, e.g. rubber, because people can buy rubbers in supermarkets, toy shops, bookshops.

  3. Group work Have students put all the pictures of different objects sold in a department store on the group?s desk.

  4. Play the cassette. Students repeat.

  5. Invite inpidual students to read the sentences


  1. Make a dialogue: < What can you buy in the shop>

  2. Grammar Practice Book P26, P27

闽教版小学英语四年级上册教案 篇四


  1.能听懂、会说、会读交际用语:Welcome to … What are these/those?They’re …Are these/those …? Yes, they are./No, they aren’t

  2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇:they’re=they are, pig, cow, chicken, duck

  3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:farm, they, pig, apple, those



  1.句型:What are these/those? Are these/those …?的语调和用法。

  2.词汇:farm, they, those, chicken, apple, pear的读音;a和an用法的区别;名词复数形式。




  Step1 Before class

  Listen and Sing a song:Old Mac Donald had a farm

  Step 2. Warming up

  1. Free talk.

  T:Hello,boys and girls.I’m your new English teacher,Miss Wang.

  I’m very glad to be here.

  I want to be your friend.

  OK,firstly,I want to know your names.

  T:What’s your name? Who’s your friend?

  Nice to meet you.Welcome to my class.(PPT)

  S:Thank you.

  2. Learn to say:Welcome to …


  3. Lead-in and learn

  T: Boys and girls,we sang a song before class.We were very happy.

  We saw a lot of animals there.Right?(PPT出现农场画面)

  They were on the farm.

  Learn ‘on the farm’。

  Step 3. Presentation and practice

  1.Learn : What are these/those? And ‘pigs/cows/ducks/chickens’

  (1)What are these?They’re pigs.

  (2) Are these pigs?No,

  What are these?They’re cows.

  (3) What are those?They’re …s.

  Are those …?Yes./No.


  2. Let’s say.A chant

  These,these. What are these?

  Pigs,pigs. They’re pigs.

  Those,those. What are those?

  Cows,cows. They’re cows.

  Step 4.Text-learning

  1.Task 1 : Let’s listen! Who is on the farm too? (谁也在农场?)

  2.Task 2 : Listen and tick:What’s on the farm?

  3,Task 3 : Let’s watch: (欣赏动画,将农场上的动植物摆在正确的位置。)

  A. pigs

  B. cows

  C. apples

  D. pears

  4.Task 4 : Let’s follow.(跟读) ☆注意语音语调☆要读出感情哦

  5.Task 5 : Let’s read. (让我们读吧!)分角色朗读。

  6.Task 6 : Farm show! (农场秀!)(发挥想象创编并表演,说得越多越好哦!)

  T:It’s great fun to visit a farm. Liu Tao and Mike have great fun on the farm. It’s great fun to have a farm,too.

  30 years later, you’re grown up. Someone may have a wonderful farm. Would you please show your friends around your farm? Make a dialogue in groups.

  A model:

  A (farmer):Look! I have a farm! Look! They’re pigs!/They’re cows! Welcome to my farm, Mr …!

  B: Oh, thank you! My good friend, Mr/Miss …

  A: Nice to see you!

  B: Nice to see you! What are these?

  A: They’re … They’re lovely!

  Would you like a …?

  B: Yes, please. Thank you! I like… What are those?

  A: They’re …s. They’re sweet. Would you like … ?

  B: Yes, please. It’s yummy!

  A: Do you like my farm?

  B: Yes. It’s great!

  A: Welcome to my farm next time!

  B: Thank you. Bye-bye!

  A: Goodbye!

  Step 5. Ticking time

  Ticking time

  I can talk about things on a farm.

  I can act things on a farm.

  Step 6. Homework

  1.Read Story time for 5 times.

  2.Make your performance better.

  3.Visit a farm if it’s possible.


  Unit 7 On the farm

  --What are these/those?

  --They’re …s.

  --Are these/those …s?

  --Yes./No,they’re …s.

闽教版小学英语四年级上册教案 篇五






  Using imperatives to express prohibitions


  tape, radio, some picture cards



  1. Daily talk

  2. Act out the dialogue


  1. Some phrases: in the pond on the river under the tree

  2. Some drills: Where is the fountain? It’s near the tree. Where are the birds? They’re in the aviary.

  3. Ask and answer: Where is the…? It’s in the…


  1. Teaching the sign “ close the door” Open the door of the classroom, then draw a sign: Close the door on the board. Say and write: Close the door. Prompt an inpidual student to close the door. Introduce: a sign Show some signs to the students

  2. Draw other signs in Look and read on one side of the board. Don’t feed the birds. Don’t pick the flowers. Don’t climb the trees. Don’t walk on the grass. Don’t play in the pond.

  Read these signs

  Look and say

  Guessing game

  3. Draw a park scene on the board, then practice the signs

  Talk about the park

  Ask students to copy the signs you have drawn on the board and put them in the right places in the park.

  Encourage the students to include other signs that they might find in the park.


  1. Listen and repeat

  2. Have the students work in pairs to write the numbers of the signs in the appropriate red circles.

  3. Distribute a copy of photocopiable page 36 to each student.

  Find the correct signs.

闽教版小学英语四年级上册教案 篇六


  1) Students can use the four skilled words “monkey”, “bear”, “panda”. Students can understand the three skilled words “giraffe”, “cancel”.

  2) Students can master the sentence “What’s this in English?” .

  3) Train the students to love the animals, love the world.


  1)The four skilled words: “monkey”, “bear”, “panda”.

  2)The three skilled words: “giraffe”, “cancel”.


  Using the sentence to make up their own dialogues.


  Step1: warming

  Play a guessing game.

  Teacher shows the pictures. Students guess “What’s this in English?”

  Six students in one group. If their answer is right, they will get two points for their group.

  Step 2: presentation

  Using the game to teach the new words “monkey”, “bear”, “panda”, “giraffe”, “cancel”.

  Students spell the words one by one.

  Step 3: look and say

  Students open their books and read the dialogue after the tape.

  Six students in one group practice the dialogue.

  Invite several groups to act out the dialogue.

  Which group done a good job, they can get 10 points.

  Step 4: practice

  Students use the pictures to make up their own dialogues.

  Do a survey.

  Each student has a table. Be a reporter and interview your friends.

  --What would you like?

  --Would you like…?

  Step 5: summary

  Summarize what we have learned today.


  1)Read and recite the dialogue.

  2)Finish off the exercisebook.


