PEP小学英语第五册UNIT 4 PART 英语教案(最新3篇)

时间:2017-02-05 03:48:28
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PEP小学英语第五册UNIT 4 PART 英语教案 篇一

Title: Fun Activities for Teaching Unit 4 Part in PEP Primary English Grade 5


In this lesson plan, we will explore some fun activities for teaching Unit 4 Part in PEP Primary English Grade 5. The focus of this unit is on animals and their habitats, and we will incorporate various interactive and engaging activities to help students learn and retain the new vocabulary and grammar structures.

Warm-up Activity: Animal Charades

Start the lesson with a fun and interactive game of animal charades. Divide the students into small groups and have them take turns acting out different animals while their classmates guess the animal. This will help students review the vocabulary words related to animals and get them excited for the lesson.

Vocabulary Building: Animal Habitat Matching Game

Create a matching game where students have to match the animals with their respective habitats. For example, students will match a bear with a forest, a fish with a river, etc. This activity will help students reinforce the vocabulary words and understand the concept of habitats.

Grammar Practice: Present Continuous Tense

Introduce the present continuous tense by using sentences related to animals and their actions. For example, "The monkey is swinging from tree to tree" or "The birds are flying in the sky." Have students practice forming sentences using the present continuous tense with different animals and actions.

Listening Comprehension: Animal Sounds

Play recordings of different animal sounds and have students guess the animal based on the sound. This activity will help students practice their listening skills and reinforce the vocabulary words related to animals.

Wrap-up Activity: Animal Habitat Diorama

For the final activity, have students create a diorama of their favorite animal in its habitat. Encourage students to be creative and use various materials to represent the animal and its surroundings. This hands-on activity will allow students to showcase their understanding of the unit and have fun while doing so.


By incorporating these fun and interactive activities into the lesson plan, students will have a more engaging and memorable learning experience. These activities will help students to better understand and retain the vocabulary and grammar structures related to animals and their habitats in Unit 4 Part of PEP Primary English Grade 5.

PEP小学英语第五册UNIT 4 PART 英语教案 篇二

Title: Assessment Strategies for Unit 4 Part in PEP Primary English Grade 5


In this lesson plan, we will discuss various assessment strategies for Unit 4 Part in PEP Primary English Grade 5. Assessments are crucial for measuring students' comprehension and retention of the new vocabulary and grammar structures introduced in the unit.

Written Assessment: Animal Habitat Matching Worksheet

Create a worksheet where students have to match the animals with their respective habitats. This written assessment will test students' understanding of the vocabulary words related to animals and their habitats. It will also assess their ability to identify and apply the correct vocabulary words in context.

Speaking Assessment: Present Continuous Tense Role-play

Divide the students into pairs and have them engage in a role-play activity using the present continuous tense. Each pair will be given a scenario involving animals and their actions, and they will have to create a dialogue using the present continuous tense. This speaking assessment will evaluate students' ability to form sentences using the present continuous tense and communicate effectively with their peers.

Listening Assessment: Animal Sounds Quiz

Conduct a quiz where students have to listen to recordings of different animal sounds and match them with the corresponding animal. This listening assessment will test students' listening skills and their ability to identify and recall the vocabulary words related to animals.

Project Assessment: Animal Habitat Diorama Presentation

Have students present their animal habitat dioramas to the class and explain their choice of animal and habitat. This project assessment will evaluate students' creativity, understanding of the unit content, and ability to communicate their ideas effectively to their peers.


By implementing a variety of assessment strategies in the lesson plan for Unit 4 Part in PEP Primary English Grade 5, teachers can effectively evaluate students' comprehension and retention of the new vocabulary and grammar structures. These assessments will provide valuable feedback to both teachers and students and help monitor students' progress throughout the unit.

PEP小学英语第五册UNIT 4 PART 英语教案 篇三

PEP小学英语第五册UNIT 4 PART 英语教案


































PEP小学英语第五册UNIT 4 PART 英语教案(最新3篇)

