
时间:2015-03-06 09:27:29
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小学英语试讲教案 篇一

主题:Numbers and Colors



1. 数字1-10的认读和书写。

2. 基本颜色的认读和表达。


1. 让学生能够准确地认读和书写1-10的数字。

2. 帮助学生掌握基本颜色的名称和用法。


1. 数字和颜色的卡片。

2. 彩色笔和纸张。


Step 1: Introduction

1. Greet the students and introduce the topic of the lesson.

2. Show the number cards from 1 to 10 and ask students to repeat after you.

3. Show the color cards and have students say the names of the colors.

Step 2: Numbers

1. Point to each number card and have students repeat after you.

2. Write the numbers on the board and have students come up to write them as well.

3. Practice counting from 1 to 10 together as a class.

Step 3: Colors

1. Show the color cards one by one and have students repeat the names.

2. Ask students to point to objects in the classroom that are the same color as the cards.

3. Have students draw a picture using the different colors and label them.

Step 4: Review

1. Review the numbers and colors with a fun game like Simon Says or a color scavenger hunt.

2. Ask students to share what they have learned today.

Step 5: Assessment

1. Have students complete a worksheet where they match the numbers to the corresponding colors.

2. Call on students to answer questions about the lesson to assess their understanding.

Step 6: Closure

1. Summarize the lesson and thank the students for their hard work.

2. Assign homework to review the numbers and colors at home.

小学英语试讲教案 篇二

主题:Greetings and Introductions



1. 常见的问候语和回应。

2. 自我介绍的基本句型。


1. 帮助学生掌握常见的问候用语和回应。

2. 让学生能够简单地自我介绍并回答他人的询问。


1. 问候和自我介绍的卡片。

2. 角色扮演游戏道具。


Step 1: Introduction

1. Greet the students and introduce the topic of greetings and introductions.

2. Show the greeting cards and have students repeat after you.

3. Demonstrate a simple self-introduction and ask students to introduce themselves.

Step 2: Greetings

1. Teach students common greetings like "Hello", "Good morning", "Good afternoon", and "Good evening".

2. Practice the greetings with a partner and encourage students to use them in different contexts.

Step 3: Introductions

1. Teach students how to introduce themselves using sentences like "My name is _______" and "I am ______ years old".

2. Have students practice introducing themselves in pairs and in front of the class.

Step 4: Role-Playing

1. Divide the class into pairs and give each pair a scenario to act out using greetings and introductions.

2. Walk around the class and provide feedback on their pronunciation and usage.

Step 5: Review

1. Review the greetings and introductions with a fun game like "Find Someone Who" or a memory matching game.

2. Ask students to share something interesting they learned about a classmate.

Step 6: Assessment

1. Have students write a short paragraph introducing themselves and their hobbies.

2. Call on students to role-play a greeting and introduction in front of the class.

Step 7: Closure

1. Summarize the lesson and thank the students for their participation.

2. Assign homework to practice greetings and introductions with family members or friends.

小学英语试讲教案 篇三



教版的第五单元,是关于购物的一个单元,于是我就选择了这个单元的第二课时"How much is it?"。二、教案设计我自己先针对自己课的问题初步设计了自己的讲课教案。学生已知内容:1.New words:colourful pretty cheap expensive2.初步认知:How much is it?(Let's chant)新课内容:1.New words:assisstant2.Sentences:Can Ihelp you?Yes.How much is it?It's ninety-nine yuan.教学重难点:How much is it?It's ninety-nine yuan.教学设计:1.Daily greeting.2.Review:问学生句子,让学生在回答问题的同时复习第一课时的单词。3.Chant:放录音,让学生跟读,再次进行对"How much is it?"的感知。4.Newlesson:展示教学挂图,问学生一些问题,让学生初步了解图上内容。老师问:How mush is the dress?找学生回答:It's ninety-nine yuan.导出新句子。5.Pratices:1.让学生两人一组进行操练,主要练习:How much…It's…2.让学生说对话的意思,充分理解对话内容,听录音并跟读;让学生两人一组进行诵读。6.知识扩展与巩固:给学生一些时间,让学生准备,进行角色表演,把所学的'知识运用出来,并用其他的物品进行替换。三、试讲本次讲课打算用四一班,所以现在四二班进行了试讲。段主任和张芳老师听完课后,提出了宝贵的建议。段主任说整体来说,教学环节的设计还可以,进入新课后,在处理对话部分内容的时候有一点乱。就是说新课部分的环节设计不是太合理。我先是让学生理解句子的含义,然后又整篇的让学生读对话,最后才去解释整个对话的内容,这样学生听起来条理不是太清晰,可能会影响到学生后面知识的学习。段主任说这样安排行不行?学生学习完重要句型后,先让学生听录音,整体的感知对话的内容,然后解释对话的内容给学生,最后让学生读文章,之后分角色读,这样学生读起来也省力气,效果也会更好。我听了,真是豁然开朗。张芳老师也提出了她除此之外的又一宝贵建议:"在你书写板书的时候,你先同时写了两个问句"Can Ihelp you?How much is it?",然后又同时写出了两个问句"Can Ihelp you?Yes.How much is it?It's…."是不是答句忘了写又补上去的?""不是呀。"我这才想起来自己的这样的书写顺序确实不太合适,自己虽然感觉不到,但是对学生可就不一样了。张老师说这应该注意一下,学生对老师的视听也是一种潜在的学习。我想了想就是这样,感觉试讲之后收获颇多,心里很高兴。自己又针对教案中的不足和两位老师的建议我对教案进行了整理,准备公开课的到来。

