U3教案 篇一
U3教案 篇二
首先,教师可以通过引入新颖的教学资源来激发学生的学习兴趣。比如,在教学《U3 Unit 1》中,教师可以通过播放一些生动有趣的视频、展示一些富有创意的图片,引导学生进入学习状态,激发他们的学习兴趣。
其次,教师可以通过设计多样化的教学活动来激发学生的学习兴趣。比如,在教学《U3 Unit 2》中,教师可以设计一些小组合作活动、角色扮演活动,让学生在合作中学习,提高学生的学习积极性和参与度。
再者,教师可以通过创新的教学方法来激发学生的学习兴趣。比如,在教学《U3 Unit 3》中,教师可以采用案例分析、问题导向等教学方法,引导学生主动思考、探索问题,培养学生的创新意识和解决问题的能力。
U3教案 篇三
Section A A Good Heart to Lean on Teaching Objectives: 1. Share ideas of the positive influence from Father or Mother. 2. Learn to make life better for others. 3. Develop students’ vocabulary. 4. Read for the key ideas in sentences. 5. Learn to write greeting cards. Background Information 1. New York City is in the southeastern corner of New York State. The city covers about one thousand two hundred square kilometers. But thirty-five percent of that is water. People who talk about New York often mean just Manhattan. But the city is pided into five areas called boroughs. These are Brooklyn, the Bronx, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island. Only the Bronx is connected to the United States mainland. The others are surrounded by three rivers and New York Bay. Manhattan is the oldest borough. Manhattan is known for its tall buildings. But there are also places to enjoy nature, like Central Park. The southern part of Manhattan, called Lower Manhattan, is the financial center of the city. The Financial District includes Wall Street, home to the New York Stock Exchange. Manhattan also represents the cultural heart of the city. The famous theaters of Broadway and the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts are there. New York City has about eighty museums; most are in Manhattan. The Metropolitan Museum of Art has the largest collection in America. Like Manhattan, Brooklyn is densely populated. Brooklyn has the largest population of the five boroughs. Its two and one-half million people live mainly in apartment buildings and houses lined close together. In different parts of New York, there are areas of wealth, but also poverty. Some of the poorest areas are in the South Bronx, known for its public housing projects. Yet the Bronx also has Fieldston, an area with large homes. The Bronx is also home to cultural and educational centers. Queens has major industry along the East River. It also has the two major airports in New York City: John F. Kennedy and LaGuardia. The borough with the fewest people is Staten Island. In nineteen sixty-four, the Verrazano Narrows bridge linked the island with Brooklyn. But there is no bridge between Staten Island and Manhattan. So people sail across on the Staten Island Ferry. 2. Ebbets Field is the stadium built by and named after Charlie Ebbets, the owner of the Brooklyn Dodgers baseball team. The first game played in this former home of the Brooklyn Dodgers took place in 1938. 3. Dodgers: The Dodgers, the name of a baseball team; the team originally played for Brooklyn but now it no longer plays for Brooklyn but in Los Angeles, California. Warm-up questions about each paragraph Para.1-2 1. How did the writer feel to be seen with his father when he was young? Why? Embarrassed, crippled, unwanted attention 2. What did the father always say when he started out with his son? set the pace, adjust to Para.3-4 3. Why can going to work be a matter of pride? subway, nasty, sick, others could not 4. How did the father go to work when the weather was very bad? wagon, cling, tunnel basement Para.5-7 5. Why do I now feel amazed at what my father did? amazed, courage, subject to, shame, stress 6. What is a proper standard to judge people? What do you think is a good heart? a good heart Para.8 A general point: My father tried to participate in many activities in some way. Example1: keep the team going as a manager Example2: like to go to dances and parties Para.11 A general point: I now know he participated in some things through me, his only son. Example1: played ball Example2: joined the Navy Example3: visited his office Para.12-13 Why does the writer often think of his father, now that his father has been dead for so many years? sorry, unworthy, regretted, trifles, fortune, a good heart The topic of each part Para 1-2 I was embarrassed to be seen with my father. Para 3-4 How my father went to work. Para 5-7 What my father looked for was a good heart, not pity. Para 8-11 My father participated in many things in some way. Para 12-13 I miss my father very much. New Words and Expressions 1. lean vi. 1. rest on sth. in a listing position for support 倚;靠 There is a ladder leaning against the wall. 有一架梯子靠在墙上。 The old man leaned upon his stick. 那位老人倚着拐杖。 2. be in a listing position; bend 倾斜;倾向;偏向 Dont lean out of the window. 别把身子探出窗外。 Just lean forward for a moment, please. 请向前靠一会儿。 lean on depend on依靠 They lean on each other for support. 他们相互依靠,相互支持。 They always lean on us when they are in trouble. The minister leaned on his advisers for information and advice. 2. balance n. 1. even sharing of weight; even; equal 平衡;均衡 Riders need a good sense of balance. 骑马的人需要有良好的平衡感。 Its difficult to keep ones balance on an icy street. 在结冰的街道上保持平衡是不容易的。 2. condition that exists when two opposites are equal or in even lots or percents 均势, 平衡 Try to achieve a better balance between work and play. 要努力使工作和娱乐更好地平衡。 This newspaper keeps a good balance in its printing of different opinions. 这家报纸在发表各种不同的观点方面保持着良好的平衡。 v. 1. (cause to) be even and keep in balance (使) 平衡, (使) 均衡 When you ride a bicycle you must learn to balance. 学骑自行车必须学会保持平衡。 2. consider in relation to something else; compare 权衡;比较 You have to balance the positive points of living in a big city against the negative ones. 你必须权衡居住在大城市的利和弊。 Para 1 3. (L1 ) grow up develop from being a child to being a man or woman 成长, 长大 What do you want to be when you grow up? 你长大后想做什么? I wish youd grow up! (= stop acting childishly) 我希望你能长大! (即: 行事别再孩子气) 4. (L2 ) severe 1. a. very bad, intense, difficult, etc 非常恶劣的;紧张的;困难的 a severe headache 剧烈的头疼;to result in severe loss 导致重大的损失;severe food shortage 食物严重短缺; severe mental disorder 严重的精神病 2. strict or hard in thinking or treatment; using strict discipline 严格的.;严肃的;严厉的 a severe punishment 严厉的惩罚 Dont be so severe to her---she couldnt help it. 别对她太严厉,她也是没办法。 severely ad. in a severe or strict way 严格地;严厉地;非常恶劣地 severely damaged 严重损坏 punish sb. severely 严厉惩罚某人 5.(L2) cripple vt. 1. make a person unable to walk or move properly because of damage to the back or legs 使跛;使残废 crippled by disease/ car crash 因患疾病(车祸)而跛足的 He has been crippled with pain. 他因疼痛而走路一瘸一拐。 2. damage or reduce the strength of (sth.) seriously 严重地损坏;削弱 The ship was crippled by a storm. 这只船被暴风雨严重损坏了。 The business has been crippled by losses. 这个公司由于亏损而停业。 n. [C] someone who is unable to use one or more of his body parts, esp. the legs 伤残人(或动物) Though he is a cripple, he supports his family by working hard. 虽然腿脚不便, 他还是努力干活养家。 6.(L3) inward a. 1. located within; inside (esp. in the mind or spirit) 在内的;内部的(尤指在头脑中、精神上) inward doubts 内心的怀疑 sbs inward nature 某人的内在本质 inwardly ad. in mind or spirit 内心或精神方面 She was sad inwardly. 她不把痛苦表现出来。 He is rotten inwardly. 他变质了。 7. (L4) let on :to tell someone something, especially something you hav