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美国文学教案第一讲 篇一





美国文学教案第一讲 篇二





美国文学教案第一讲 篇三


Lecture 1 1. Self-introduction 2. Introduction of the course ⑴Similar with History of English Literature ⑵Course book: A Survey of American Literature by Chang Yaoxin; good and authoritative one; a little bit difficult and lack in order; prepare a notebook and copy the outline I provide ⑶Especially important to your graduate entrance examination ⑷Suggestions: 左金梅《美国文学》青岛海洋出版社(条理较好);李公昭《20世纪美国文学导论》(可以帮助理解20世纪美国文学);吴伟仁《美国文学史及选读》(很多学校考研的指定书目,但过于简单) ⑷ Preview; taking notes; homework (two papers); attendance Chapter 1 Colonial America (US is a quite special country in the world. Although it only has a very short history, it is the most powerful country today. ) 1. Historical Background ⑴ In 1942, Christopher Columbus found the new continent called America. ⑵ Immigrants: Spanish (they built the first town on the new continent); Dutch (they built New York city at the beginning stage); French (today still lots of people’s mother tongue is French in North America) ⑶ English immigrants, Jamestown, Virginia, 1607 1620 “May Flower”, Plymouth (Imagine: transportation not convenient, why some many immigrants left their hometown and came to such a remote place as America? Economic reasons; Religious reasons) (Reformation and religious conflicts in Europe; persecution of Protestants) 2. American Puritanism(清教主义) ⑴ Puritans=Calvinists ◆ John Calvin, a theologian, Puritans believed most doctrines preached by him, so they were also called Calvinists ◆ Puritans wanted to “purify the church” to its original state, because they thought the church was corrupted and had too many rituals ◆ To be a Puritan: taking religion as the most important thing; living for glorifying God; believing predestination(命运天定), original sin(原罪,人生下来就是有罪的,因为人类的祖先亚当和夏娃是有罪的), total depravity(人类是完全堕落的,所以人要处处小心自己的行为,要尽可能做到最好以取悦上帝), limited atonement(有限救赎,只有被上帝选中的.人才能得到上帝的拯救) ◆ Life style of Puritans:

pious, austerity of taste, diligence and thrift, rigid sense of morality, self-reliance (John Milton is a typical Puritan.) ⑵ American Puritan ◆ On the one hand, American Puritans were all idealist as their European brothers. They came to the new continent with the dream that they would built the new land to an Eden on earth. ◆ On the other hand, American Puritans were more practical maybe because the severe conditions they faced. ⑶ Influence on literature ◆ Basis of American literature: the dream of building an Eden of Garden on earth (Early American literature were mainly optimistic because they believed that God sent them to the new continent to fulfill the sacred task so they would overcome all the difficulties they met at last. Gradually Americans found that their dreams would not be successful, so lots of pessimistic literary works were produced.) ◆ Symbolism(象征主义): lots of American writers liked to employ symbolism in their works. (typical way of Puritans who thought that all the simple objects existing in the world connoted deep meaning.) Symbolism means using symbols in literary works. The symbol means something represents or stands for abstract deep meaning. ◆ Style: simple, fresh and direct (just as the style of the Authorized Version of Holy Bible) 3. Colonial Literature ⑴ General features ◆ Humble origins: diaries, histories, letters etc. ◆ In content: serving either God or colonial expansion or both ◆ In form: imitating English literary traditions ⑵ Captain John Smith: the first American Writer (P16) ⑶ Anne Bradstreet: first American woman poet; a Puritan poet; once called “Tenth Muse”; her poems mainly about religious experience, family life and early settlers’ lives; her most famous poems—“Contemplations” (P17) ⑷ Philip Freneau (1752-1832) ◆ He is the most important poet in the 18th century. ◆ He was entitled “Father of American Poetry”. ◆ He was born in New York and graduated from Princeton University. ◆ He wrote lots of poems supporting American Revolution and human liberty. ◆ He was the most notable representative of dawning American nationalism in literature. ◆ His poems presented Romantic spirits but his form and taste were mainly influenced by Classicism. ◆ Most famous poems: “The Wild Honey Suckle” and “The Indian Burying Ground” ◆ Analyze and discuss the theme, rhyme scheme and some difficult dictions in “The Wild Honey Suckle”. 4. Homework Preview the next chapter. 美国文学教案第二讲 Lecture 2 Edwards and Franklin (In most course books, this part is called the 18th century literature. And Jonathan Edwards is not included and is put to the colonial period. However, Philip Freneau should be included in this chapter.) (Putting these two characters together, the author may means to compare these two. The comparison is mentioned several times in the text on P27 and P32.) 1. Historical Background ⑴ American Revolution (Strict rules made by English government prevented the economic development of the colonies. It was unfair. So American Independence War broke.) ◆ 1775, Lexington, beginning of the Independence War ◆ June 4th, 1776, Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence ◆ 1778, alliance with France, turning point for American army ◆ 1778, English army surrendered ◆ 1783, formal recognition from Britain government ⑵ Enlightenment (启蒙运动) (Review English Literature, 18th century, Addison, Steele and Pope, Classicism) ◆ Originated in Europe in the 17th century ◆ Resources: Newton’s theory; deism(自然神教派,课本P28,宗教与启蒙精神相结合的产物); French philosophy (Rousseau, Voltaire) ◆ Basic principles: stressing education; stressing Reason (Order) (The age has been called Age of Reason.); employing Reason to reconsider the traditions and social realities; concerns for civil rights, such as equality and social justice ◆ Significance: accelerating social progress; freeing people from the limitations set by prevailing Puritanism; making spiritual preparation for American Revolution ◆ Representatives: Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson etc. ◆ Influence on literature In form: imitating English classical(古典主义)writers In content: utilitarian tendency (for political or educational purpose) 2. Jonathan Edwards (1703—1758) (last important figure in Puritan tradition) ⑴ Life ◆ Born in a very religious New England family ◆ Graduated from Yale ◆ Worked as a minister and was an important figure in “Great Awakening” (a serious of religious revivals which occurred in the 1730s and 1740s on North America continent) ◆ Dismissed from his position because of fierce religious controversy at that time ◆ Lived and meditated in solitude; wrote some books (P29) ⑵ Analysis ◆ Influenced by the new ideas of Enlightenment, such as empiricism ◆ Still a pious Puritan ◆ His sense of God’s overwhelming presence in nature and in soul anticipated the Transcendentalism. (P32) ◆ First modern American and the country’s last medieval man 3. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) ⑴ Life—Jack of all trades ◆ Born in a poor candle maker’s family in Boston ◆

