初三英语上学期Lesson 20教案【精选4篇】

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初三英语上学期Lesson 20教案 篇一

Title: Exploring the World of Poetry


- To introduce students to different types of poetry

- To enhance students' understanding and appreciation of poetry

- To encourage students to express their thoughts and emotions through poetry


- Various poems from different poets

- Paper and pens for writing poems

- Audio recordings of poems for listening comprehension


- Begin the lesson by discussing what poetry is and its importance in literature and culture.

- Show students examples of different types of poems, such as sonnets, haikus, and free verse.

- Ask students to share their favorite poems and explain why they like them.

Main Activities:

1. Introduce students to a famous poem and discuss its themes, imagery, and structure.

2. Divide students into small groups and assign each group a different poem to analyze and present to the class.

3. Have students write their own poems based on a given theme or prompt.

4. Play audio recordings of poems for students to listen to and analyze the poet's use of tone, rhythm, and language.


- Have students share their original poems with the class and provide feedback to each other.

- Encourage students to continue exploring the world of poetry and writing their own poems outside of class.


- Observe students' participation in group discussions and presentations.

- Evaluate students' comprehension and analysis of poems through written assignments and class discussions.


- Assign students to write a reflective essay on their experience with poetry and how it has influenced their understanding of literature and language.

初三英语上学期Lesson 20教案 篇二

Title: Connecting Poetry to Personal Experiences


- To help students relate to and understand poetry on a personal level

- To encourage students to express their thoughts and emotions through poetry

- To promote empathy and understanding through the study of poetry


- Poems that explore themes of identity, loss, love, and nature

- Paper and pens for writing poems

- Art supplies for creating visual representations of poems


- Start the lesson by discussing the power of poetry to evoke emotions and memories.

- Ask students to share a personal experience that has had a strong emotional impact on them.

- Show students examples of poems that reflect similar experiences and emotions.

Main Activities:

1. Have students read and analyze poems that explore themes of identity, loss, love, and nature.

2. Ask students to write their own poems inspired by their personal experiences and emotions.

3. Invite students to create visual representations of their poems through drawings, paintings, or collages.

4. Facilitate a discussion on how poetry can help us connect with others and understand different perspectives.


- Have students share their poems and visual representations with the class and explain the inspiration behind them.

- Encourage students to reflect on how writing and reading poetry has helped them process their emotions and experiences.


- Evaluate students' ability to connect personal experiences to the themes of poetry through their written poems and visual representations.

- Observe students' participation in class discussions and their ability to empathize with others' experiences through poetry.


- Assign students to write a reflection on how poetry has helped them understand themselves and others better.

初三英语上学期Lesson 20教案 篇三

1. Useful expressions: think about; get a chance; take

2. Grammar: the Object clause

I'm not sure where I want to go on holiday.Properties: Recorder; Overhead Projector; picturesTeaching Procedures:

Ⅰ. Showing aims

Have the students know what they will learn in this lesson and what they will do in this class:

1. Revise some useful expressions of Unit 5.

2. Study the grammar: the Object Clause.

3. Know how to get the information about trips.

4. Learn how to make a conversation about trips.

5. Know more about Hainan. Ⅱ. Revision

1. Revise some useful expressions of Unit 5. Get the students to make sentences with them.

2. Play "What did he ask?" in groups of three. Make sure the students can use the Object Clause correctly.

3. Ask one student to introduce something about Hainan. Ⅲ. Listen

Part 1. Listening cassette. Play the tape twice for the students to listen and do Exercise 1 in the workbook. Play the tape again for the students to check the answers. Then check with the whole class. See if the students can understand. Ⅳ. Read and act

Part 2. Speech Cassette. Books closed, play the tape. Ask:

How did Joy think about his trip to Hainsn? (wonderful)

How did Lily feel when she heard about the scuba ping? (really cool)

Get the students to find the answer to questions, then check with the class. Play the tape again. Get the students to listen and repeat. They should match their intonation with the dialogue on the tape.

Books open. Practice the dialogue in pairs. Get some pairs to act out the dialogue, without looking at the books if possible

. Ⅴ. Practice

Have the students work in pairs. Encourage the students to make up their own dialogues. Ⅵ. Ask and answer

Part 3. Work in pairs. Give the students a few minutes to prepare their dialogues. Ask four pairs to share their dialogues with the whole class. Ⅶ. Presentation

Ask one student to act as a traveler, the teacher acts as a waiter at the travel office. Precent a dialogue like this:

T: May I help you?

S: Could you tell me where I can book a room?

T: Oh, the Sunshine Hotel.

S: Do you know how much it costs?

T: 200 yuan a day.

S: How many restaurants do the Sunshine Hotel have?

T: Two.

Have the students practice this dialogue in pairs, then make the students make up their own dialogues, ask some of them to share their dialogues with the class. Ⅷ. Look, speak and say

Tell the students that they're traveling on Inner Mongolia. Ask them to read the three brochures. Then ask the students to write a short passage about their stay at one of the hotels in Inner Mongolia. They can choose any hotel. Ⅸ. Workbook

For Exercise 2. Get the students to read the words.

For Exercise 3. Have the students discuss what they need during the traveling.

For Exercise 4. Get the students to read to read in pairs. Then make up similar dialogues. It can be done after class.

Do Exercise 5 as homework. Ⅹ. SummaryExercises for class Complete the passage

My family ________ ________ ________ holiday soon, we are thinking ________ ________ to Hainan. I beard the ________ ________ there was ________ ________, so I want to have a scuba lesson first, and I think it ________ ________ wonderful. And I ________ think the fish and the coral reefs are ________. I hope I will ________ ________ ________ ________ there.

Answers: is going on about going best thing scuba ping must be also beautiful have a good time Ⅺ. Homework

Finish off the exercises in the workbook Revise Unit 5.

初三英语上学期Lesson 20教案 篇四

初三英语上学期Lesson 20教案【精选4篇】

