初中英语 八年级上册教案【经典3篇】

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初中英语 八年级上册教案 篇一

Unit 1 My New Teachers

Lesson 1: Introducing New Teachers


- To introduce new teachers and their subjects

- To practice asking and answering questions about teachers and subjects


- Pictures of new teachers

- Flashcards with subjects written on them

- Worksheet with questions about teachers and subjects


- Show pictures of new teachers and have students guess their names and subjects

- Review subject vocabulary with flashcards


1. Introduce new teachers by name and subject

2. Model asking and answering questions about teachers and subjects

3. Have students practice asking and answering questions in pairs


- Divide students into groups and give each group a worksheet with questions about teachers and subjects

- Students take turns asking and answering questions in their groups


- Have students write a short paragraph introducing their favorite teacher and subject

- Students share their paragraphs with the class


- Write a short paragraph about a teacher they like and why

- Practice asking and answering questions about teachers and subjects with a family member or friend


- Participation in class discussions and activities

- Completeness and accuracy of homework assignments


- Review key vocabulary and phrases from the lesson

- Preview the next lesson on describing teachers' personalities

初中英语 八年级上册教案 篇二

Unit 2 My Daily Routine

Lesson 1: Talking About Daily Activities


- To describe daily routines using present simple tense

- To practice asking and answering questions about daily activities


- Daily routine flashcards

- Worksheet with fill-in-the-blank sentences about daily activities

- Clock visuals to practice telling time in English


- Review vocabulary for daily activities with flashcards

- Practice telling time in English using clock visuals


1. Introduce present simple tense and how to use it to describe daily routines

2. Model asking and answering questions about daily activities

3. Have students practice forming sentences about their own daily routines


- Pair students up and have them ask and answer questions about each other's daily routines

- Distribute worksheets with fill-in-the-blank sentences for students to complete


- Have students create a daily routine schedule for themselves and write sentences describing it

- Students share their schedules and sentences with the class


- Keep a daily routine journal for a week and write sentences describing their activities in English

- Practice telling time in English by setting alarms for different activities throughout the day


- Accuracy of sentences describing daily routines

- Completion of homework assignments


- Review key vocabulary and phrases from the lesson

- Preview the next lesson on talking about future plans and activities.

初中英语 八年级上册教案 篇三

初中英语 八年级上册教案

初中英语 八年级上册教案 UNIT 3 一、重点单词:plan send famous leave forget (remember) finish 二、复习:翻译句子:1、我马上来。2、你什么时候动身去北京?今天下午。 3.你假期打算做什么?我要参观长城。 三、课文讲解: 1. I’m going to Tibet for a week. 介词for 表示一段时间 例句:I will wait you for a moment.我会等你一会。 2. That sounds interesting. Great good 主语补足语 复习 3. How long are you staying? How long多久 用于对表示一段时间的状语进行提问,答句中常有表示一段时间的介词for 请看例句:a. 你每天花多长时间写作业?b.去年你在上海呆了多久?大约一个月。另外,How引导的复合特殊疑问词还有:how often, how far, how much, how many, how soon 也要熟练掌握 4. have a good time enjoy yourself 反身代词 5. send show sb sth 句型 这其实是一个谓语+宾语+宾补的句型。 Ben Lambert’s Vacation Plans 6. Ben, Lambert, the famous French singer 同位语,the famous singer就是Ben 7. take a vacation 度假 take a day off 休一天假 休三天假怎么说  归纳与take 有关的短语:take medicine take sb stime to do sth take a photo 8. thought think about 考虑 decide on 对。。。。作决定 与think 有关的词组:think about think over through think of 请看例句:You should think it over because it is very important to your health. They are thinking about moving. 他们正考虑搬迁事宜 回忆想起一个主意或图像: She thought of her childhood when she saw the movie. 她看电影时想起了童年时代 think twice To weigh something carefully: 衡量仔细地衡量某件东西: Id think twice before spending all that money on clothes. 在把所有的钱花在衣服上之前得三思 9. something different anything else something important 形容词置后 10.I heard ……. , I know……两个宾语从句 其中后面的宾语从句中还有定语从句.要认真分析句子成份。并掌握hear , know的用法.这是两个及物动词,直接接宾语。Uses of hear. : I wont hear of your going! 我可不同意你走! hear of 听说;得知 Ive never heard of anyone doing that. 我从未听说有人做那种事。 I wont hear of you coming in so late. 我不允许你回来得这么晚。 hear from To get a letter, telephone call, or transmitted communication from. 收到…的来信、电话或传达来的信息 She heard from her daughter in Weihai. To be reprimanded by: 受到批评: If you dont do your homework, youre going to hear from me. 如果你不做家庭作业,我就要批评你 11. lea

ve 动身离开 leave for 动身去。。。。 Until的用法 the first week in June in June定语 句子成份 plan, relaxing,的用法。连动。Going fishing and going bike riding….. spend的用法: 花钱;付款 How much money do you spend each week? 你每星期花多少钱? 花时间;度过 I spent an hour reading. 我花了一小时读书。 Now more and more city adults spend their leisure time trying to improve themselves at school or college. 现在城市里越来越多的.成年人利用业余时间到学校或大学去深造。 Will you be spending your holidays abraod this year? I asked. `你今年准备到国外去度假吗?我问。 He doesnt spend much time on his homework . 他花在作业上的时间不多。 They went on buying things without thinking until they could spend nothing. 他们不假思索地购物,直到把钱花完。 How do you spend your leisure? 你是怎样消磨空闲时间的? 四.用leave, hear plan ask hope填空的四个句子要求会背诵。 UNIT 4 分三步学习。 单词 课文讲解 习题讲解 单词:train detrain determine decide depress de-前缀表示向下 By的用法:by bus乘车 在。。。。旁边 She is standing by the window. 不迟于,到。。。为止 He will finish his work by tomorrow. 通过,以。。。方式 He often goes to Shanghai by air. She makes money by writing. Make=earn Stop: stop to do stop doing 1. Stop to have a rest, I’m too tired. 2. It’s time for class. Stop playing. Stop talking. 2. stop sb doing sth : The mother stop her young daughter going out alone.
初中英语 八年级上册教案【经典3篇】

