Rain Rain Go Away小班英语教案【优质3篇】

时间:2012-07-08 05:16:43
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Rain Rain Go Away小班英语教案 篇一

Title: Rain Rain Go Away小班英语教案


In this lesson plan designed for small children in an English class, we will focus on the theme of rain and weather. The goal is to engage the young learners in fun and interactive activities while introducing them to basic English vocabulary related to rain.


- To introduce basic English vocabulary related to rain and weather

- To practice listening and speaking skills through songs and activities

- To promote creativity and imagination through art and craft activities

Materials Needed:

- Rain Rain Go Away song lyrics

- Pictures of rainy weather

- Raindrop cutouts

- Crayons or markers

- Construction paper

- Glue

Warm-up Activity:

Start the lesson by singing the song "Rain Rain Go Away" with the children. Encourage them to clap and sing along. This will help set the mood for the lesson and introduce the theme of rain.

Main Activities:

1. Vocabulary Introduction: Show pictures of rainy weather and teach the children vocabulary words such as rain, umbrella, cloud, and puddle. Have them repeat the words after you to practice pronunciation.

2. Song and Dance: Play the "Rain Rain Go Away" song again and encourage the children to sing and dance along. This will help reinforce the vocabulary words and make the learning experience more enjoyable.

3. Art and Craft: Provide the children with raindrop cutouts, crayons or markers, and construction paper. Have them color the raindrops and glue them onto the paper to create a rainy day scene. This activity will allow them to express their creativity and practice fine motor skills.

4. Storytime: Read a children's book about rain and weather to the class. This will help reinforce the vocabulary words and engage the children in listening and comprehension practice.

Closing Activity:

To wrap up the lesson, review the vocabulary words with the children and sing the "Rain Rain Go Away" song one last time. Encourage the children to share their artwork with the class and talk about what they learned about rain and weather.


This lesson plan provides a fun and interactive way for small children to learn English vocabulary related to rain and weather. By incorporating songs, art activities, and storytelling, the children will be engaged and excited to learn.

Rain Rain Go Away小班英语教案 篇二

Title: Rain Rain Go Away小班英语教案


In this lesson plan for small children in an English class, we will explore the theme of rain and weather through a variety of activities. The goal is to provide the young learners with opportunities to practice listening, speaking, and fine motor skills while introducing them to basic English vocabulary related to rain.


- To introduce basic English vocabulary related to rain and weather

- To practice listening and speaking skills through songs and storytelling

- To promote creativity and fine motor skills through art and craft activities

Materials Needed:

- Rain Rain Go Away song lyrics

- Weather flashcards

- Paper plates

- Paint

- Paintbrushes

- Glitter

- Craft sticks

Warm-up Activity:

Begin the lesson by singing the "Rain Rain Go Away" song with the children. Encourage them to clap and sing along to get them excited about the theme of rain.

Main Activities:

1. Vocabulary Introduction: Show weather flashcards to the children and teach them vocabulary words such as rain, cloud, thunder, and rainbow. Have them repeat the words after you to practice pronunciation.

2. Song and Movement: Play the "Rain Rain Go Away" song again and encourage the children to sing and dance along. This will help reinforce the vocabulary words and get the children moving and engaged.

3. Art and Craft: Provide the children with paper plates, paint, glitter, and craft sticks. Have them paint a rainy day scene on the paper plates and add glitter to represent raindrops. Once the paint is dry, attach the craft sticks to the plates to create handheld rain scenes. This activity will allow the children to express their creativity and practice fine motor skills.

4. Storytelling: Tell a story about a rainy day to the class. Encourage the children to listen carefully and ask questions about the story afterwards. This will help reinforce the vocabulary words and engage the children in listening and comprehension practice.

Closing Activity:

To conclude the lesson, review the vocabulary words with the children and sing the "Rain Rain Go Away" song one more time. Encourage the children to share their artwork with the class and talk about their favorite part of the lesson.


This lesson plan provides a comprehensive approach to teaching young children English vocabulary related to rain and weather. By incorporating songs, art activities, and storytelling, the children will be actively engaged in the learning process and have fun while expanding their language skills.

Rain Rain Go Away小班英语教案 篇三

Rain Rain Go Away小班英语教案范文




  3、懂得Rain Go Away的含义。




  1、复习出示背景为草地的图片引出四个小动物,让幼儿依次与它们打招呼。以复习cat bunny dog bird walk skip run fly的'发音

  2、引导幼儿观察太阳图片,和雨的图片引(幼儿教育 )导幼儿学习太阳和雨的发音。





  做游戏 Do As I Tell You.


Rain Rain Go Away小班英语教案【优质3篇】

