Book3 Unit3 Lesson2 教案(精简3篇)

时间:2014-07-02 08:27:10
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Book3 Unit3 Lesson2 教案 篇一

教学内容:Reading and vocabulary


1. 学生能够理解并掌握课文中的重点词汇和短语。

2. 学生能够通过阅读理解课文内容,并能够回答相关问题。


1. 重点:掌握课文中的重点词汇和短语。

2. 难点:通过阅读理解课文内容,并能够回答相关问题。


Step 1: Warm-up

- Review the vocabulary from the previous lesson by playing a quick word association game.

- Introduce the new words and phrases from the lesson: astronaut, launch, mission, outer space, gravity, spacecraft, orbit, crew, command, journey.

Step 2: Pre-reading

- Show pictures related to space exploration and ask students to predict what the text might be about.

- Introduce the title of the text and ask students to make predictions based on the title.

Step 3: While-reading

- Ask students to read the text silently and underline any unfamiliar words.

- Have students read the text aloud in pairs, taking turns to read each paragraph.

- Discuss any difficult vocabulary words as a class and make sure students understand the key points of the text.

Step 4: Post-reading

- Ask students comprehension questions about the text to check their understanding.

- Have students work in pairs or small groups to summarize the text in their own words.

- Assign homework that requires students to write a short paragraph about what they learned from the text.

Step 5: Review

- Review the key vocabulary words and phrases from the lesson by playing a vocabulary game or doing a quick quiz.

- Encourage students to ask any questions they may have about the text or the lesson.


Overall, this lesson was successful in helping students understand the key vocabulary and concepts related to space exploration. The reading comprehension activities were effective in engaging students and checking their understanding of the text. In future lessons, I would focus on incorporating more interactive activities to keep students engaged and excited about learning.

Book3 Unit3 Lesson2 教案 篇二

教学内容:Speaking and listening


1. 学生能够运用课文中的重点句型和短语进行口语表达。

2. 学生能够听懂相关对话并做出回答。


1. 重点:运用课文中的重点句型和短语进行口语表达。

2. 难点:听懂相关对话并做出回答。


Step 1: Warm-up

- Review the key phrases and sentence structures from the text by playing a quick matching game.

- Have students practice saying the phrases aloud in pairs or small groups.

Step 2: Listening practice

- Play a recording of the dialogue from the text and ask students to listen carefully.

- Have students answer questions about the dialogue to check their listening comprehension.

Step 3: Speaking practice

- Divide students into pairs and give them a prompt related to the text (e.g. "Imagine you are an astronaut. Describe your mission in outer space.")

- Encourage students to use the key vocabulary and phrases from the text in their conversation.

Step 4: Pair work

- Have students work in pairs to create their own dialogue related to space exploration.

- Ask pairs to perform their dialogues in front of the class and provide feedback on their speaking skills.

Step 5: Review and feedback

- Review the key vocabulary and phrases from the lesson by playing a quick review game.

- Provide feedback to students on their speaking and listening skills, highlighting areas for improvement.


This lesson was effective in helping students practice their speaking and listening skills using the key vocabulary and phrases from the text. The pair work activities were engaging and allowed students to practice using the language in a meaningful context. In future lessons, I would include more opportunities for students to practice speaking and listening in a larger group setting to further develop their communication skills.

Book3 Unit3 Lesson2 教案 篇三

Book3 Unit3 Lesson2 教案

Book3 Unit3 Lesson2 Teaching aims: 1. Ss are able to show hospitality and respond to it. Such as “Are you ready for …?” “Yes, I am./ No, I’m not.” 2. Understand and respond to request and commands. Such as Set the table ,Pour the water, Eat your dinner, Wash the dishes Difficult points: 1. Ss are able to use the dialogs freely. 2. Ss are able to say the commands. Teaching aids: Tape recorder, lunch box, pictures , flashcards. Teaching methods: TPR, Listen and point, Games. Teaching procedures: Step1: Warm-Up 1. Review some vocabulary of food. T: Takes out a lunch box and says “look at this. What’s this? Oh, It’s a lunch box. What’s in it?” Encourage Ss to answer .(noodles, cake, soup, fruit, rice…) 2. Sing a chant T: “Oh, there are so many delicious food, I

feel a little hungry, let’s sing a chant. Ok?” (Hungry, hungry, I’m hungry. Here you are. Have some cake/chicken/juice. Mmm, Mmm, I like cake. Thank you. You are welcome.) Step 2.Introduction of the new dialogs 1.T picks up some food pictures and say “I’m hungry, Are you hungry?” Encourage Ss to answer “Yes, I am./No, I’m not.” 2.T gives the food pictures to Ss who feels hungry, and say “Here you are.”Encourage Ss to say “Thanks.” Then T say “You’re welcome.” 3.T: “Most of you feel hungry, so let’s go for lunch. Are you ready for lunch?” Encourage Ss to say “Yes, I am./ No, I’m not.” At the same time, T says “Me, too .” Step3.Practice the dialogs 1. Divide Ss into 4 groups, T says “ Are you ready for …?” Encourage Ss to answer. 2. Ask inpiduals“ Are you ready for …?” Encourage them to answer. 3. Listen and Point.(Are you ready for listening? ) 4. Listen and read after the tape .Then ask Ss to Answer “Is Jia Ming ready for lunch?” “Is Bobo hungry ?” 5. Guess(Are you ready for playing a game?) 教师请一位同学上台,告知其要表演的用餐时间,并让其通过动作来表达,请其他同学提问“ Are you ready for …?”直到猜对为止。 6.Role play the dialogs. Step4.Introduce and Practice the actions 1.T role as a waiter,and do the actions(Set the table ,Pour the water, Eat your dinner, Wash the dishes) Encourage Ss to guess. 2.T says the commands ,Ss point to the pictures. 3.T says the commands , Ss do it together. 4.PK Divide Ss into 4 groups, T Says different commands to different groups, Ss should say and do the actions together. 5.Invite 4 Ss come to the front, T says commands, Ss do. 6. Invite 2 Ss come to the front, Then ask another student to say the commands. 7. Listen and Point.(Are you ready for listening? ) 8. Listen and say. At the same time ,do the actions together. 9. Chant it Set, Set, Set the table . Pour , Pour ,Pour the water. Eat ,Eat ,Eat your dinner. Wash, Wash, Wash the dishes . Step 5. Extension 1. Are you ready for Setting the table/ Pouring the water / Eating your dinner /Washing the dishes ? 2. Pour the water/juice/milk Eat your dinner/cake/pizza/apples Wash the dishes/hands… Homework: 1. Make 4 sentences using “Are you ready for…? Yes, I am./No, I’m not.” 2. Copy the new actions 4 times. 3. Listen to the tape. 教学反思: 本课为第三单元的第二课时,是对话练习课,同时还要新授四个动作指令,我主要通过创设一定的情境来帮助学生操练句型,使学生能够理解对话的含义,便于其在日常生活中运用。热身中使用的lunch box既能够很好激发学生的积极性和兴趣,又能帮助学生复习上节课的单词,同时chant的形式既能复习以前的句型,又能很好的导入本节课的新内容。在句型操练中我运用了听读,听说并回答问题的方式,使学生带着问题去听课文,既能训练学生的听力,又能培养学生的表达能力,此外,我还运用了游戏的方式操练句型,能激发学生的兴趣和参与性。在新授指令短语的过程中,我让学生带了实物,力图更加直观形象,但实际效果并不明显,反而转移了学生的注意力,使其学习效果受到一定的影响。此外,我还运用了全身反应法进行指令的教学,这样有利于调动学生的积极性,提高学生的.参与性,同时我还采用了小组竞赛的方法进行练习,更好的调动了学生的积极性。纵观整节课,指令动作的教学时间较长,拓展部分的难度较大,不利于学生的理解,同时对话的操练仍较为单调,应该力图让学生成为学习和操练的主体,让学生主动去学,使学生能够日常具体情境中会运用所学句型,这样就可以达到学习的最终目的了,即会学以致用。
Book3 Unit3 Lesson2 教案(精简3篇)

